by Alexis de Tocqueville

Translated by Henry Reeve


Volume I

I-Pre  The Author's Preface.

I-1  The Exterior Form of North America
I-2  Origin of the Anglo-Americans, and the Importance of this Origin in Relation to their Future Condition.
I-3  Social Condition of the Anglo-Americans.
I-4  The Principle of the Sovereignty of the People of North America.
I-5  The Necessity of Examining the Condition of the States Before that of the Union at Large.
I-6  Judicial Power in the United States and its Influence on Political Society.
I-7  Political Jurisdiction in The United States.
I-8  The Federal Constitution.

I-Pre-2  Preface to Volume I, pt. 2.

I-9  How it can be Strictly Said That the People Govern in The United States.
I-10  Parties in The United States
I-11  Liberty of the Press in The United States.
I-12  Political Associations in The United States.
I-13  Government of the Democracy in The United States.
I-14  What are the Advantages which American Society Derives from a Democratic Government?
I-15  Unlimited Power of the Majority in The United States, and its Consequences.
I-16  Causes which Mitigate the Tyranny of the Majority in The United States.
I-17  Principal Causes which Serve to Maintain the Democratic Republic in The United States.
I-18  The Present and Probably Future Condition of the Three Races that Inhabit the Territory of The United

Volume II

II_I-Pre  Preface to the Second Volume.

Section I

Influence of Democracy on the Action of Intellect in The United States

II_I_1  Philosophical Method of The Americans.
II_I_2  Of the Principal Source of Belief Among Democratic Nations.
II_I_3  Why the Americans Show More General Aptitude and Taste for General Ideas
                than their Forefathers, The English.
II_I_4  Why the Americans have never been so Eager as the French for General Ideas in Political Affairs.
II_I_5  How Religion in The United States Avails itself of Democratic Tendencies.
II_I_6  The Progress of Roman Catholicism in The United States,
II_I_7  What Causes Democratic Nations to Incline toward Pantheism,
II_I_8  How Equality Suggests to the Americans the Indefinite Perfectibility of Man.
II_I_9  The Example of the Americans does not Prove that a Democratic People can have no
                Aptitude and no Taste for Science, Literature, or Art.
II_I_10  Why the Americans are more Addicted to Practical rather than Theoretical Science.
II_I_11  In What Spirit the Americans Cultivate the Arts.
II_I_12  Why the Americans Raise Some Insignificant Monuments and Others that are Very Grand.
II_I_13  Literary Characteristics of Democratic Times.
II_I_14  The Trade of Literature.
II_I_15  The Study of Greek and Latin Literature is Peculiarly Useful in The United States.
II_I_16  How American Democracy has Modified the English Language.
II_I_17  Of Some Sources of Poetry Among Democratic Nations.
II_I_18  Why American Writers and Orators Use an Inflated Style.
II_I_19  Some Observations of the Drama among Democratic Nations.
II_I_20  Some Characteristics of Historians in Democratic Times.
II_I_21  On Parliamentary Eloquence in The United States.

Section 2

Influence of Democracy on the Feelings of Americans

II_II_1  Why Democratic Nations Show a more Ardent and Enduring Love of Equality than of Liberty.
II_II_2  Of Individualism in Democratic Countries.
II_II_3  Individualism Strong at the Close of a Democratic Revolution than at Other Periods.
II_II_4  That the Americans Combat the Effects of Individualism with Free Institutions.
II_II_5  Of the Uses which the Americans Make of Public Associations.
II_II_6  Of the Relation of Public Associations and the Newspapers.
II_II_7  Relation of Civil to Political Associations.
II_II_8  How the Americans Combat Individualism by the Principle of Self-Interest Rightly Understood.
II_II_9  That the Americans Apply the Principle of Self-interest Rightly Understood to Religions Matters.
II_II_10  Of the Taste for Physical Well-being in America.
II_II_11  Peculiar Effects of the Love of Physical Gratification in Democratic Times.
II_II_12  Why Some Americans Manifest a Sort of Spiritual Fanaticism.
II_II_13  Why the Americans are so Restless in the Midst of their Prosperity.
II_II_14  How the Taste for Physical Gratification's is United in America to Love of Freedom
                 and Attention to Public Affairs.
II_II_15  How Religious Belief Sometimes Turns Americans to Immaterial Pleasures.
II_II_16  How Excessive Care for Worldly Welfare may Impair that Welfare.
II_II_17  How, When Conditions are Equal and Skepticism is Rife, it is Important to Direct
                 Human Actions to Distant Objects.
II_II_18  Why Among the Americans All Honest Callings are Considered Honorable.
II_II_19  What Causes Almost All Americans to Follow an Industrial Calling.
II_II_20  How an Aristocracy may be Created by Manufactures.

Section 3

Influence of Democracy on Manners Properly so Called

II_III_1  How Customs are Softened as Social Conditions become more Equal.
II_III_2  How Democracy Renders the Social Intercourse of the Americans Free and Easy.
II_III_3  Why the Americans Show so Little Sensitiveness in their own Country and are so Sensitive in Europe.
II_III_4  Consequences of the Preceding Three Chapters.
II_III_5  How Democracy Affects the Relations of Masters and Servants.
II_III_6  How Democratic Institutions and Manners Tend to Raise Rents and Shorten the Terms of Leases.
II_III_7  Influence of Democracy on Wages.
II_III_8  Influence of Democracy on the Family.
II_III_9  Education of Young Women in The United States.
II_III_10  The Young Woman in the Character of the Wife.
II_III_11  How Equality of Condition Contributes in America to Good Morals.
II_III_12  How Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes.
II_III_13  How the Principle of Equality Naturally Divides the Americans into a Multitude of Small Circles.
II_III_14  Some Reflections on American Manners.
II_III_15  Of the Gravity of the Americans and why it does not Prevent them from often doing
                    Inconsiderate Things.
II_III_16  Why the National Vanity of the Americans is more Restless and Captious than that of the English.
II_III_17  How the Aspect of Society in The United States is at once Excited and Monotonous.
II_III_18  Of Honor in The United States and in Democratic Communities.
II_III_19  Why so many Ambitious Men and so Little Lofty Ambition are to be Found in The United States.
II_III_20  The Trade of Place-hunting in Certain Democratic Societies.
II_III_21  Why Great Revolutions Will become More Rare.
II_III_22  Why Democratic Nations Naturally Desire Peace, and Democratic Armies, War.
II_III_23  Which is the Most Warlike and Revolutionary Class in Democratic Armies .
II_III_24  Causes Which Render Democratic Armies Weaker than Other Armies at the Outset
                    of a Campaign, and More Formidable in Protracted Warfare.
II_III_25  Of Discipline in Democratic Armies.
II_III_26  Some Considerations on War in Democratic Communities.

Section 4

Influence of Democratic Ideas and Feelings on Political Society

II_IV 1  Influence of Democratic Ideas and Feelings on Political Society.
II_IV 2  That the Opinions of Democratic Nations about Government are Naturally Favorable
    to the Concentration of Power.
II_IV 3  That the Sentiments of Democratic Nations Accord with their Opinions in Leading them
    to Concentrate Political Power.
II_IV 4  Of Certain Peculiar and Accidental Causes which either Lead a People to Complete
    the Centralization of Government or Divert them from it.
II_IV 5  That Among the European Nations of our Time the Sovereign Power is Increasing,
    Although the Sovereigns are Less Stable.
II_IV 6  What sort of Despotism Democratic Nations have to Fear.
II_IV 7  Continuation of the Preceding Chapters.
II_IV 8  General Survey of the Subject,


Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix K
Appendix L
Appendix M
Appendix N
Appendix O
Appendix P
Appendix Q
Appendix R
Appendix S
Appendix T
Appendix U
Appendix V
Appendix W
Appendix X
Appendix Y
Appendix Z
Appendix AA
Appendix BB

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