Gian Lorenzo Bernini
1598 - 1680

Gian Lorenzo Bernini – Self-Portrait (c. 1623)
Rome, Galleria Borghese

Gianlorenzo Bernini - by Giovanni Battista Gaulli (Baciccia) - 1665
National Galleries of Scotland

Gian Lorenzo Bernini – David (1623-1624) marble
Galleria Borghese

Gian Lorenzo Bernini – Apollo and Daphne (1622-1625) marble
Galleria Borghese

Gian Lorenzo Bernini – Apollo and Daphne (1622-1625) marble
Galleria Borghese

Gian Lorenzo Bernini – Bust of Cardinal Richilieu (1640-1641) marble
Paris, Musée du Louvre

Gian Lorenzo Bernini – The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa (1644-1647) marble
Altar of Santa Maria della Vittoria, Cornaro Chapel, Rome

Gian Lorenzo Bernini – Bust of Louis XIV (1665) marble
Versailles Palace

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Miles H. Hodges - 2014