December 6
The Enemy forming a Line from towards
our right to the extremity of our left upon an opposite long height to
ours in a Wood. Our men were under Arms all Day and this Night also, as
our Wise General was determined not to be attack'd Napping....
December 8
All at our Several Posts.
Provisions and Whiskey very scarce. Were Soldiers to have plenty of Food
and Rum, I believe they would Storm Tophet...
December 11
At four o'clock the Whole
Army were Order'd to March to Swedes Ford on the River Schuylkill, about
9 miles N.W. of Chestnut Hill, and 6 from White Marsh our present Encampment.
At sun an hour high the whole were mov'd from the Lines and on their march
with baggage. This Night encamped in a Semi circle nigh the Ford. The enemy
had march'd up the West side of Schuylkill - Potter's Brigade if Pennsylvania
Militia were already there, and had several skirmishes with them with some
loss on this side and considerable on the Enemies....
I am prodigious Sick and cannot
get anything comfortable - what in the name of Providence am I to do with
a fit of Sickness in this place where nothing appears pleasing to the Sicken'd
Eye and nausiating Stomach. But I doubt not Providence will find out a
way for my relief. But I cannot eat Beef if I starve, for my stomach positively
refuses to entertain such Company, and how can I help that?
December 12
A Bridge of Waggons made
accross the Schuylkill last Night consisting of 36 waggons, with a bridge
of Rails between them each. Some skirmishing over the River. Militia and
dragoons brought into Camp several Prisoners. Sun Set - We were order'd
to march over the River - It snows - I'm Sick - eat nothing - No Whiskey
- No Forage - Lord - Lord - Lord. The Army were 'till Sun Rise crossing
the River - some at the Waggon Bridge and some at the Raft Bridge below.
Cold and uncomfortable.
December 13
The Army march'd three miles from the
West side of the River and encamp'd near a place call'd the Gulph and not
an improper name neither, for this Gulph seems well adapted by its situation
to keep us from the pleasures and enjoyments of this World, or being conversant
with anybody in it. It is an excellent place to raise the Ideas of a Philosopher
beyond the glutted thoughts and Reflexions of an Epicurian. His Reflexions
will be as different from the Common Reflexions of Mankind as if he were
unconnected with the world, and only conversant with immaterial beings.
It cannot be that our Superiors are about to hold consultations with Spirits
infinitely beneath their Order, by bringing us into these utmost regions
of the Terraqueous Sphere. No it is, upon consideration for many good purposes
since we are to Winter here-
1. There is plenty of Wood
and Water
2. There are but few families
for the soldiery to Steal from - tho' far be it from a Soldier to Steal
3. There are warm sides of
Hill to erect huts on
4. They will be heavenly Minded
like Jonah when in the Belly of a Great Fish
5. They will not become home
Sick as is sometimes the Case when Men live in the Open World - since the
reflections which will naturally arise from their present habitation, will
lead them into the more noble thoughts of employing their leisure hours
in filling their knapsacks with such materials as may be necessary on the
Journey to another Home.
December 14
Prisoners and Deserters
are continually coming in. The Army which has been surprisingly healthy
hitherto, now begins to grow sickly from the continued fatigues they have
suffered this Campaign. Yet they still show a spirit of Alacrity and Contentment
not to be expected from so young Troops. I am Sick - discontented - and
out of humour. Poor food - hard lodging - Cold Weather - fatigue - Nasty
Cloaths - nasty Cookery - Vomit half my time - smoak'd out my senses -
the Devil's in't - I can't Endure it - Why are we sent here to starve and
Freeze - What sweet Felicities have I left at home; A charming Wife - pretty
Children - Good Beds - good food - good Cookery - all aggreable - all harmonious.
Here all Confusion - smoke and Cold - hunger and filthyness - A pox on
my bad luck. There comes a bowl of beef soup - full of burnt leaves and
dirt, sickish enough to make a Hector spue - away with it Boys - I'll live
like the Chameleon upon Air. Poh! Poh! crys Patience within me - you talk
like a fool. Your being sick Covers you mind with a Melancholic Gloom,
which makes every thing about you appear gloomy. See the poor Soldier,
when in health - with what cheerfulness he meets his foes and encounters
every hardship - if barefoot, he labours thro' the Mud and Cold with a
Song in his mouth extolling War and Washington - if his food be bad, he
eats it notwithstanding with seeming content - blesses God for a good Stomach
and Whistles it into digestion. But harkee Patience, a moment - There comes
a Soldier, his bare feet are seen thro' his worn out Shoes, his legs nearly
naked from the tatter'd remains of an only pair of stockings, his Breeches
not sufficient to cover his nakedness, his Shirt hanging in Strings, his
hair dishevell'd, his face meagre; his whole appearance pictures a person
forsaken and discouraged. He comes, and crys with an air of wretchedness
and despair, I am Sick, my feet lame,my legs are sore, my body cover'd
with this tormenting Itch - my Cloaths are worn out, my Constitution is
broken, my former Activity is exhausted by fatigue, hunger and Cold, I
fail fast I shall soon be no more! and all the reward I shall get will
be - "Poor Will is dead." People who live at home in Luxury and Ease, quietly
possessing their habitations, Enjoying their Wives and families in peace,have
but a very faint Idea of the unpleasing sensations, and continual Anxiety
the Man endures who is in Camp, and is the husband and parent of an aggreeable
family. These same People are willing we should suffer every thing for
their Benefit and advantage, and yet are the first to Condemn us for not
doing more!!
December 15
Quiet. Eat Pessimmens, found
myself better for their Lenient Opperation. Went to a house, poor and small,
but good food within - eat too much from being so long Abstemious, thro'
want of palatables. Mankind are never truly thankfull for the Benefits
of life, until they have experienc'd the want of them. The Man who has
seen misery knows best how to enjoy good. He who is always at ease and
has enough of the Blessings of common life is an Impotent Judge of the
feelings of the unfortunate....
December 16
Cold Rainy Day, Baggage
ordered over the Gulph of our Division, which were to march at Ten, but
the baggage was order'd back and for the first time since we have been
here the Tents were pitch'd, to keep the men more comfortable. Good morning
Brother Soldier (says one to another) how are you? All wet I thank'e, hope
you are so (says the other). The Enemy have been at Chestnut Hill Opposite
to us near our last encampment the other side Schuylkill, made some Ravages,
kill'd two of our Horsemen, taken some prisoners. We have done the like
by them....
December 18
Universal Thanksgiving -
a Roasted pig at Night. God be thanked for my health which I have pretty
well recovered. How much better should I feel, were I assured my family
were in health. But the same good Being who graciously preserves me, is
able to preserve them and bring me to the ardently wish'd for enjoyment
of them again
December 21
[Valley Forge.] Preparations are made
for huts. Provisions Scarce. Mr. Ellis went homeward - sent a Letter to
my Wife. Heartily wish myself at home, my Skin and eyes are almost spoil'd
with continual smoke. A general cry thro' the Camp this Evening among the
Soldiers, "No Meat! No Meat!" - the Distant vales Echo'd back the melancholy
sound - "No Meat! No Meat!" Immitating the noise of Crows and Owls, also,
made a part of confused Musick.
What have you for your dinner boys?
"Nothing but Fire Cake and Water, Sir." At night, "Gentlemen the Supper
is ready." What is your Supper Lads? "Fire Cake and Water, Sir." Very poor
beef has been drawn in our Camp the greater part of this season. A Butcher
bringing a Quarter of this kind of Beef into Camp one day who had white
Buttons on the knees of his breeches, a Soldier cries out - "There, there
Tom is some more of your fat Beef, by my soul I can see the Butcher's breeches
buttons through it."
December 22
Lay excessive Cold and uncomfortable
last Night - my eyes started out from their Orbits like a Rabbit's eyes,
occasion'd by a great Cold and Smoke.
Our Division are under Marching Orders
this morning. I am ashamed to say it, but I am tempted to steal Fowls if
I could find them, or even a whole Hog, for I feel as if I could eat one.
But the Impoverish'd Country about us, affords but little matter to employ
a Thief, or keep a Clever Fellow in good humour. But why do I talk of hunger
and hard usage, when so many in the World have not even fire Cake and Water
to eat....
It is not in the power of
convince a man he may be happy and Contented if he will, with a Hungry
Belly. Give me Food, Cloaths, Wife and Children, kind Heaven! and I'll
be as contented as my Nature will permit me to be.
This Evening a Party with two field
pieces were order'd out. At 12 of the Clock at Night, Providence sent us
a little Mutton, with which we immediately had some Broth made, and a fine
Stomach for same. Ye who Eat Pumkin Pie and Roast Turkies, and yet Curse
fortune for using you ill, Curse her no more, least she reduce you Allowance
of her favours to a bit of Fire Cake, and a draught of Cold Water, and
in Cold Weather too.