by Peter Lombard


The Franciscan Archive

DESIRING with the poor woman to place something from our penury and meagerness into the guardhouse of the Lord's treasury, (and) to scale (its) steep (steps), we have presumed to do a work beyond our strength, placing (our) trust in (its) consummation and recompense in the Samaritan's labors, who, having offered two denarii to care for the half-alive man, professed to render the rest to the one paying out more. The truth of the One proffering delights us, but the immensity of the labor frightens: the desire of making progress exhorts, but the infirmity of failing discourages, which (infirmity) zeal for the house of God conquers. « Catching fire from this (zeal),  our faith against the errors of carnal and animal men » we have studied to wall with the round shields of the Tower of David and/or to show rather that (it is) walled and to open those things withdrawn from theological inquiries and also to put on display [traducere] the knowledge of ecclesiastical sacraments to the limited extent of our understanding, « not prevailing to resist lawfully the resolute wishes [votis] of the studious brothers, to serve the laudable studies in Christ of those entreating (us) with tongue and stylus, which as a chariot in us the charity of Christ puts in motion ». CUPIENTES aliquid de penuria ac tenuitate nostra cum paupercula in gazophylacium Domini mittere,  ardua scandere, opus ultra vires nostras agere praesumsimus, consummationis fiduciam laborisque mercedem in Samaritano statuentes, qui, prolatis in curationem semivivi duobus denariis, supereroganti cuncta redere professus est. Delectat nos veritas pollicentis, sed terret immensitas laboris: desiderium hortatur proficiendi, sed dehortatur infirmitas deficiendi, quam vincit zelus domus Dei. « Quo4  inardescentes, fidem nostram adversus errores carnalium atque animalium hominum » Davidicae turris clypeis munire vel potius munitam ostendere ac theologicarum inquisitionum abdita aperire nec non et sacramentorum ecclesiaticorum pro modico intelligentiae nostrae notitiam traducere studuimus, « non valentes studiosorum fratrum votis iure resistere, eorum in Christo laudabilibus studiis lingua ac stilo nos servire flagitantium, quas bigas in nobis agitat Christi caritas ».
« Although we do not dispute, that every sermon of human speech has always been obnoxious to the calumny and contradiction of rivals, because, with dissenting movements of wills, the sensing of spirits also becomes dissenting », « so that, although every saying of truth [dictum veri] is perfected by reason, however, while it appears or pleases others differently [aliud aliis], the error of impiety strives against the truth (which is) not understood and/or offending,  and there results envy of will », « which the god of this age works in those sons of diffidence, who do not subject (their) will to reason nor expend (their) study on doctrine, but strive to adapt the words of wisdom with those things for which they are dreaming, seeking not a reason for truth, but for pleasure, whom an iniquitous will incites not towards the understanding of the truth, but to the defense  of pleasant things, not desiring to be taught the truth, but converting themselves away from it towards the hearing of fables.  Whose profession is more a pleasantry [placita] than a seeking out of things to be taught, and not a desiring of things to be taught, but an adapting of doctrine with things desired. They have a reason for (their) wisdom in superstition: because mendacious hypocrisy follows defection from the faith, so that even in (their) words there is a piety, which has lost (its) conscience, and they render that simulated piety impious with every mendacity of words, contriving to corrupt the sanctity of the Faith with the instructions of false doctrine and forcing upon others an itching of the ears under the novel dogma of their own desire, who as students of contention war without the restraint of treaties [sine foedere] against the truth ». « For between the assertion of truth and the defense of pleasure there is a persistent battle, so long as both  the truth grasps itself and the will for error guards itself ». Therefore lest they be able to pour forth the venom of their iniquity upon others, to both turn the Church into (something) hateful to God and to stop up mouths of these (Her sons), we willing to exalt the light of the truth upon a candlestick, in much labor and sweat, with God as (our) surety, have compiled this volume in four distinct books, from the testimonies of the truth founded in eternity.

In which you shall again find the examples and doctrine of (our) elders, (and) in which we have brought to light through a sincere profession of faith in the Lord [dominicae fidei] the fraudulence of the viper's doctrine, have embraced an approach for demonstrating the truth and have not inserted the danger of an impious profession, using a temperate means of guidance among both. But if our voice has sounded out at little anywhere, it has not departed from the limits of the Fathers. « Therefore this labor ought not seem superfluous to anyone learned sluggishly or much, since for many diligent and many unlearned (men), among whom even for myself, it is necessary », that one compile the sentences of the Fathers in a brief volume, with their appropriate testimonies, so that it is not necessary for one to seek to unroll numerous books, for whom a brief collection [brevitas collecta] offers what is sought without the labor. « Moreover in this tract I not only desire the pious reader, but also the free [i.e. unrestrained] corrector, most of all where a profound question of the truth is dealt with, which, one would wish, would have as many discoverers, as it has contradictors ». Moreover so that what is sought may more easily come to meet (the reader), we have prefaced (this work with) the titles, by which the chapters of each of the books is distinguished.

« Quamvis non ambigamus, omnem humani eloquii sermonem calumniae atque contradictioni aemulorum semper fuisse obnoxium, quia, dissentientibus voluntatum motibus, dissentiens quoque fit animorum sensus », « ut, cum omne dictum veri ratione perfectum sit, tamen, dum aliud aliis aut videtur aut complacet, veritati vel non intellectae vel offendenti impietatis error obnitatur, ac voluntatis invidia resultet », « quam Deus huius saeculi operatur  in illis diffidentiae filiis, qui non rationi voluntatem subiiciunt nec doctrinae studium impendunt, sed his quae somniarunt sapientiae verba coaptare nituntur, non veri, sed placiti rationem sectantes, quos iniqua voluntas non ad intelligentiam veritatis, sed ad defensionem1  placentium incitat, non desiderantes doceri veritatem, sed ab ea ad fabulas convertentes auditum.2 Quorum professio est magis placita quam docenda conquirere nec docenda desiderare, sed desideratis doctrinam coaptare. Habent rationem sapientiae in superstitione:3  quia fidei defectionem sequitur hypocrisis mendax, ut sit vel4  in verbis pietas, quam amiserit conscientiae, ipsamque simulatam pietatem omni5 verborum mendacio impiam reddunt, falsae doctrinae institutis fidei sanctitatem corrumpere molientes auriumque pruriginem sub novello sui desiderii dogmate aliis ingerentes, qui contentioni studentes contra veritatem sine foedere bellant ». « Inter veri namque assertionem et placiti defensionem pertinax pugna est, dum se et6 veritas tenet, et se voluntas erroris tuetur ». Horum igitur et7  Deo odibilem ecclesiam evertere atque ora oppilare, ne virus nequitiae in alios effundere queant, et lucernam veritatis in candelabro exaltare volentes,8 in labore multo ac sudore hoc volumen, Deo praestante, compegimus ex testimoniis veritatis in aeternum fundatis, in quatuor libros distinctum.

In quo maiorum exempla doctrinamque reperies, in quo per dominicae fidei sinceram professionem vipereae doctrinae fraudulentiam prodidimus, aditum demonstrandae veritatis complexi nec periculo impiae professionis inserti,  temperato inter utrumque moderamine utentes. Sicubi vero parum vox nostra insonuit, non a paternis dicessit limitibus. « Non igitur debet hic labor cuiquam pigro vel multum docto videri superfluus, cum multis impigris multisque indoctis, inter quos etiam mihi, sit necessarius »,  brevi volumine complicans Patrum sententias, appositis eorum testimoniis, ut non sit necesse quaerenti librorum numerositatem evolvere, cui brevitas collecta quod quaeritur offert sine labore. « In hoc autem tractatu non solum pium lectorem, sed etiam liberum correctorem desidero, maxime ubi profunda versatur veritatis quaestio, quae utinam tot haberet inventores, quot habet contradictores ».Ut autem quod quaeritur facilius occurrat, titulos, quibus singulorum librorum capitula distinguuntur, praemisimus.

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