Hesiod (c. 700 BC) THE THINKERS OF IONIA AND MAGNA GRAECIA (600 to 450 BC) Anaximander (ca. 610 - 547 BC) Anaximenes (fl. mid 500s BC?) Peri phuseos (On Nature)
Parmenedes (fl. early 5th cent BC) On Nature
Empedocles (ca. 495-435 BC)
PERICLEAN ATHENS (450-325 BC) Persians
The Seven against Thebes Suppliant Maidens Agamemnon Libation Bearers Eumenides Prometheus Bound Pindar (c. 520-440 BC) Protagoras (ca. 490-421 BC) Rhesus
Alcestis Medea Heracleidae Hippolytus Andromache Hecuba Suppliants Heracles Electra Trojan Women Ion Iphigenia Among the Taurians Helen Phoenician Maidens Bacchae Iphigenia at Aulis Orestes Cyclops Herodotus (ca. 484-425 BC) The
History of Herodotus (440 BC)
Thucydides (c. 460-400 BC) History
of the Peloponnesian War (431 BC)
Hippocrates (c. 460-377 BC) On
Ancient Medicine
Prognostics Regimen in Acute Diseases Epidemics Surgery Fractures Law Sacred Disease The Hippocratic Oath Aristophanes (c. 448-385 BC) Acharnians
Knights The Clouds (419 B.C.) Wasps Peace The Birds (414 BC) Lysistra Thsmophoriazusae The Frogs (405 B.C.) Ecclesiazusae Plutus Xenophon (ca. 430-350 B.C.) Agesilaus
Anabasis (March Up Country) Apology Cavalry Commander Constitution of the Lacedaimonians Cyropaedia Economics Hellenica Hiero Horsemanship Hunting Memorabilia Symposium Ways and Means Demosthenes (384-322 BC) The
Philippics and other orations (351-338 BC)
Charmides Cratylus Critias Crito Euthydemus Euthyphro Gorgias Ion Laches Laws Lysis Meno Parmenides Phaedo Phaedrus Philebus Protagoras The Republic Seventh Letter Sophist Statesman Symposium Theaetetus Timaeus Aristotle (384-322 BC) The
Athenian Constitution
Eudemian Ethics Categories On Generation and Corruption History of Animals On Interpretation Metaphysics Meteorology Nicomachean Ethics On the Heavens On the Soul (De Anima) (350 BC) Physics Poetics Politics Posterior Analytics Prior Analytics Prophesying by Dreams Rhetoric Topics Virtues and Vices |
Diogenes of Sinope (c. 412-323 BC) Pyrrho of Elis (ca. 360-270 B.C.) Letter to Menoeceus
Letter to Herodotus Letter to Pythocles On Nature Menander (342-291 BC) Cleanthes of Assos (331-232 BC) Posidonius of Apamea (c. 135-50 BC)
(D.E. Joyce - Clark University)
Elements (not as good as the above!) Data On Divisions of Figures Phaenomena Optics Aristarchus of Samos (c. 310-230 BC) On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon Archimedes (287-212 BC) Apollonius of Perga (fl. mid-200s BC) Conic Sections Eratosthenes (ca. 276-192 BC) Geography
Nicomachus of Gerasa (60 - 120 AD) Introduction to Arithmetic
(Arithmetike eisagoge)
The Theology of Numbers (Theologoumena arithmetikes) Manual of Harmonics Ptolemy (fl. early-mid 100s AD) Almagest (or Syntaxis)
Geography Analemma Planisphaerium Galen of Pergamum (c. 130-200 AD) On the Natural Faculties
(170 AD)
Exhortation to the Study of the Arts, Expecially Medicine On Diagnosis in Dreams Ammonius Saccas (d. 243 AD?)
re public (on the 'Republic' or 'Commonwealth')
Laelius, or: An Essay on Friendship On the Genres of Rhetoric The Dream of Scipio Titus (Lucretius) Carus (96-55 BC) Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) The Gallic Wars Virgil (70-19 BC) Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (65-8 BC) Odes
Epodes Satires Epistles The Art of Poetry Livy (Titus Livius) (59 BC - 17 AD) Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) (43 BC - 17 AD) Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger) (4 BC-65 AD) De brevitate vitae
De beneficiis (7 vols: ca. 62-64) De tranquillitate animi (ca. 62-63) De provedentia (ca. 63-64) Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium (ca. 63-64) Naturales Quaestiones (7 vols: 63) Tacitus (54-119 AD) The Annals
The Histories Agricola Germania Oratory Epictetus (50-138 AD) Marcus Aurelius Antonius (121-180 AD) Meditations
(167 AD)
LATER HELLENIST PHILOSOPHERS Nicomachus of Gerasa (ca. 60-120) Introduction to Arithmetic
The Manual of Harmonics Lucian of Samosata (ca. 120-180) A True Story
Dialogues of the Gods Dialogues of the Dead The Passing of Peregrinus Philoseudes Alexander the Oracle-Monger Zeus Rants Diogenes Laertius (3rd cent. AD) Philosophoi Biol (Lives
of the Philosophers)
Plotinus (204-270 AD) The Six Enneads
Porphyry (232-304) Isagogue
INTO A GRECO-ROMAN GOSPEL Paul (mid first century) Romans
Corinthians I Corinthians II Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians Thessalonians I Thessalonians II Timothy I Timothy II Titus Philemon Matthew Luke
John (late first century)
THE EARLY CHRISTIAN APOLOGISTS--AND MARTYRS (Early 100s) Clement, Bishop/Presbyter of Rome (late first century: d. ca. 100) 1 ClementIgnatius, Bishop of Antioch (fl. early 100s) To Polycarp
To the Ephesians To the Magnesians To the Philadelphians To the Romans To the Smyrneans To the Trallians Papias, Bishop of Phrygia (fl. early 100s) Exposition of the
Oracles of the Lord
Polycarp (martyred. ca. 160) The Martyrdom of Polycarp
Epistle to the Philippians EARLY DEFINERS OF THE FAITH: THE PRE-NICENE FATHERS (150 to 300 AD)First Apology
(ca. 150)
Second Apology Dialogue with Trypho On the Sole Government of God Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (ca. 130-202) Against Heretics
Clement of Alexandria (Titus Flavius Clemens) (ca. 150-215) Exhortation to the
Instructor/Tutor The Stromata/Miscellanies Tertullian (ca. 160-225) Apology (197) Proscription against the Heretics
Against Marcion Against Praxeas To the Martyrs(197) Patience (197) Spectacles Prayer (200) Modesty A Treatise on the Soul Origen (ca. 185-254) First Principles
Against Celsus Prayer Exhortation to Martyrdom Commentary on the Gospel of John Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (martyred in 258) The Lapsed
That Idols Are Not Gods To Donatus The Unity of the Church EARLY DISSENTERS FROM THE "CATHOLIC" FAITH Valentius Marcion Montanus Arius Sabellius
THE ESTABLISHERS OF ORTHODOX THEOLOGY (300 to 450)The Martyrs of Palestine
Life of Constantine Ecclesiastical History Athanasius (ca. 296-373) On the Incarnation
Against the Heathen/Greeks Orations against the Arians Life of Anthony Defence before Constantius Basil of Caesarea (329-379) The Holy Spirit
Nine Homilies of the Hexaemeron Letters of St. Basil Gregory of Nazianzus (ca. 330-390) Theological Orations
Select Letters Gregory of Nyssa (ca. 335-394) That There Are Not
Three Gods
Letters Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (339-397) On the Christian Faith
On the Mysteries On the Holy Spirit Concerning Virgins Jerome [Hieronymous] (ca. 340-420) Homilies: Gospel of
Homilies: Gospel of John/Hebrews Homilies: Acts/Romans Homilies: Gal./Eph./Philp./Col./Thes./Tim./Titus/Philm. Augustine (354-430) Against Pelagius
Free Choice of the Will Confessions (397) Against the Manichees/Against the Donatists On Christian Doctrine Enchiridion (Faith, Hope and Love) The Trinity (399-419) City of God (413-427) The Predestination of the Saints The Gift of Perseverance On the Teacher The Early Ecumenical Councils The
First Council of Nicea (325)
The First Council of Constantinople (381) The Council of Ephesus (431) The Council of Chalcedon (451) Patrick (mid to late 400s?)
Pope Leo I - The Great (pope: 440-461) The Rule of Benedict
Columba (521-597) Pope Gregory I - The Great (pope: 590-604) Moralia in Job
Book of Pastoral Care Bede (the "Venerable") (c. 673-735) The Ecclesiastical
History of the English People (731)
Conversion of England Boniface (Winfrid) (680-754) The Division of Nature
THE BYZANTINE REMNANT OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE EAST 1. The Roman/Byzantine Empire Lives on in the East Dionysius the Areopagite (ca. 500) Divine Names
Mystical Theology Heavenly Hierarchy Ecclesiastical Hierarchy Procopius of Caesarea (ca. 500-560) Secret History Justinian - Byzantine Emperor (527-565) The Second Council of Constantinople(553) Maximus the Confessor (ca. 580-662) 2. The Byzantine Remnant in the East The Third Council of Constantinople (680-681) John of Damascus (ca. 675-749) The Fountain of Knowledge:
Dialectic; Heresies; Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith
The Second Council of Nicea (787) Cyril (827-869) Methodius (825-885)
ECCLESIASTICAL/IMPERIAL REVIVAL IN THE WEST (1050 to 1150)Gregory VII [Hildebrand] (pope: 1073-1085) Dictatus Papae Urban II (pope: 1088-1099)Concordat of Worms (1122) Frederick I Hohenstaufen (Barbarossa) (1152-1190) Frederick II Hohenstaufen (1194-1250) Innocent III (pope: 1198-1216)
POPULAR OR FOLK LITERATURE IN THE WEST Beowulf (late 800s to early 1100s?) [English / Early English] Chanson de Roland (late 800s to early 1100s?) [English / Early French]
Sacra Coena adversus Lanfrancum
Anselm (1033-1109) Hugh of St. Victor (fl.early 1100s) Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) Hildegarde of Bingen (1098-1179) Scivias (Know the
Ways [of God]) (1141 -1151)
Liber vitae meritorum (Book of Life's Merits) (1158-1163) Symphonia armoniae celestium revelationum (Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations) (1150s) Liber divinorum operum (Book of the Divine Works) (1163-1173/74) Liber Simplicis Medicinae (Book of Simple Medicine) -- or Physica (Natural History) Liber Compositae Medicinae (Book of Compound Medicine) -- or Causae et Curae (Causes and Cures) Peter Lombard (1100-1160) John of Salisbury (1120-1180) Metalogicon Joachim of Fiore (1132-1202) Harmony of the Old
and New Testaments
Exposition of the Book of Revelation Psalterium of Ten Strings Everlasting Gospel Peter Waldo Francis of Assisi (Giovanni Bernardone)
SECULAR WRITINGS AND DOCUMENTS DURING THE INTELLECTUAL REVIVAL Gottfried von Strassburg (fl. early 1200s) Tristan and Isolde
FOLK LITERATURE DURING THE 1200s The Saga of Burnt Njal (1200s)
THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES (1250 to 1350)Bonaventura (Giovanni di Fidanza) (1217-1274) Journey into the Soul
of God (1259)
Disputed Questions Concerning Christ's Knowledge Life of St. Francis(1263) On the Incarnation Mechtild of Magdeburg The Flowing Light
of the Godhead
ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980-1037) ibn Rushd(Averro?s)(1126-1198) Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides) (1135-1204) Guide of the Perplexed
Commentaries "Kit?b al?Siraj" "Mishneh Torah" Essays: "On the Unity of God" "On Happiness" "On the Terminology of Logic" "On Resurrection" Albertus Magnus (ca. 1200-1280) Opera Omnia (complete
Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) Manual against the
Heathens(early 1260s)
On Being and Essence On Truth Summa Theologica Compendium of Theology Of God and His Creatures (Summa Contra Gentiles) On the Principles of Nature On the Eternity of the World Roger Bacon (1214-1294) Siger of Brabant (ca. 1240-1284) 3. Anti-Scholastic Skepticism (1300) A Treatise on God
as First Principle
William of Ockham (1285-1349) Dialogus
Vita nuova
De vulgari eloquentia (The Eloquence of the Vernacular) Divina commedia (Divine Comedy) Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso Il convivio De monarchia Rima Il fiore Quaestio de aqua et de terra Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) Johannes "Meister" Eckhart (1260-1327) Opus Tripartitum
(only fragments survive)
Opus propositionum Opus qu?stionum Opus expositionum Johannes Tauler (1300-1361) The Inner Way(36 Sermons) Heinrich Suso (1295-1360) The Little Book of
Richard Rolle (1300?-1349) De incendio amoris
(The Fire of Love)
De emendatione vitae (The Mending of Life) Contemplations of the Fear and Love of God Remedy against Temptations The Prick of Conscience "Thy Joy be in the Love of Jesus" Jan vanRuysbroeck(1293-1381) Spiritual Expousals
Adornment Supreme Truth Sparkling Stone Walter Hilton (?-1396) The Scale (or Ladder)
of Perfection
Treatise Written to a Devout Man The Song of Angels THE CLOSE OF THE MIDDLE AGES (1350 to 1400)On the Solitary Life(1346)
Triumphs(1351-1374) Rime (1374) Canzone (Sonnets) Petrarch's Secret Familiar Letters Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) The Decameron
Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) The Dialogue of the
Seraphic Virgin
Gerard Groote (1340-1384) Florentius (Florens) Radewijns (1350-1400) The Sixteen Revelations
of Divine Love
Revelations Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knight (late 1300s) |
Nicholas of Cusa (1401-64) Where is he that is
born king of the Jews? (1456)
Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457) Linguistic critique
of the 'Donation of Constantine' (1440)
On the True Good Pope Nicholas V (pope: 1447-1455) Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) Oration on the Dignity
of Man
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) The Painter *Notebooks Niccolo Machiavelli (1467-1527) Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) Baldassare Castiglione (1478-1529)
NORTHERN EUROPEAN HUMANISM (Late 1400s to Early 1500s)Le Morte d'Arthur
Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522) Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536) The
Praise of Folly (1509)
Thomas More (1478-1535) Utopia (1518)
The History of King Richard III François Rabelais(c. 1494-1553) Gargantua and Pantagruel
RENAISSANCE MYSTICISM (1400 to Early 1500s) The Imitation of Christ
Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510) Oratory of Divine
EARLY EFFORTS AT REFORM OF THE CHURCH (1350 to 1500)Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498)
Ninety-Five Theses
The Smalcald Articles Treatise on Good Works(1520) To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation (1520) The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520) On the Freedom of a Christian (1520) Order of Public Worship (1523) Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants (1525) The Smaller Catechism The Larger Catechism Karlstadt and Müntzer Commentary of True
and False Religion (1528)
Oecolampadius Martin Bucer (Butzer) (1491-1551)
The Life and Acts of Martin Luther(1549) Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575) The Second Helvetic
John Calvin (1509-1564) The
Institutes of the Christian Religion
On the Christian Life The Necessity of Reforming the Church (1543) Commentaries OTHER EARLY REFORMERSJohn Knox (1505-1572) Confession of Faith
Menno Simmons (1496-1561) Theodore Beza (1519-1605) Confession of the
Christian Faith (1560)
THE CATHOLIC COUNTER-REFORMATION (1540 to 1600)Ignatius de Loyola (1491-1556) Spiritual Exercises
Pope Paul III (1468-1549) The Council of Trent (1545-1563) Canons and Decrees
PURITAN REFORM IN ENGLAND (Mid 1500s Onward)Ecclesiastical Polity
William Perkins (1558-1602) Institutes
Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) The Westminster Confession of Faith James Usher Body of Divinitie
Samuel Rutherford Edward Reynolds John Wilkins (1614-1672) A Discourse Concerning
a New Planet
John Wallis(1616-1703) Pilgrim's Progress
The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus Interior Castle John of the Cross (1542-1591) Dark Night of the
Ascent of Mount Carmel A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul Collected Works Jacob Böhme (1575-1624) The Supersensual Life
Cornelius Jansen(1585-1638) Augustinus (1640)
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Provincial Letters
Pensées (1660, but published posthumously) THE ABIDING SECULAR MOOD Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) Essais
(over the
period 1572-1588)
Apology for Raimond Sebond Of Books That We Should Not Judge of Our Happiness Of Friendship Of the Institution and Education of Children Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) Don Quixote (1605)
12 Novelas Ejemplares (1613) Los Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda(posthumously: 1617) William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) King
Richard III (1593)
The Taming of the Shrew (1594) The Comedy of Errors (1594) Romeo and Juliet (1597) A Midsummer Night's Dream (1596) The Merchant of Venice (1597) Much Ado about Nothing (1599) Julius Caesar (1599) The Twelfth Night (c. 1600) The Merry Wives of Windsor (1601) Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (1604) Othello, The Moor of Venice (1605) King Lear (1606) Macbeth (1606) The Tempest (1611) The Shakespearian Sonnets Pedro Fernandez Navarrete Conservation of Monarchies(1626)
Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) Fables
COLONIAL AMERICA Captain John Smith Generall Historie (ca. 1624) Of
Plymouth Plantation (1620-1647)
John Winthrop A
Modell of Christian Charity (or: "A City on a Hill" - 1630 sermon)
The Half-Way Covenant (1662) |
on to the next section: The Enlightenment