by William Bradford
1620-1647 Book Two / pp. 504 - 528
These were ye articles of agreemente in ye union and confederation which they now first entered into; and in
this their first meeting, held at Boston ye day & year
abovesaid, amongst other things they had this matter II
of great consequence to considere on: the Narigansets,
after ye subduing of ye Pequents, thought to have ruled
over all ye Indeans aboute them; but ye English, espe-
tially those of Conightecutt holding correspondencie &
frenship with Uncass, sachem of ye Monhigg Indeans
which lived nere them, (as ye Massachusets had done
with ye Narigansets,) and he had been faithfull to them
in ye Pequente warr, they were ingaged to supporte
him in his just liberties, and were contented yt such of
ye surviving Pequents as had submited to him should
remaine with him and quietly under his protection.
This did much increase his power and augmente his
greatnes, which ye Narigansets could not indure to see.
But Myantinomo, their cheefe sachem, (an ambitious
& politick man,) sought privatly and by trearchery ,
(according to ye lndean maner) to make him away,
by hiring some to kill him. Sometime they assayed to
poyson him; that not takeing, then in ye night time to
knock him on ye head in his house, or secretly to shoot
him, and such like attempts. But none of these taking
effecte, he made open warr upon him (though it was
against ye covenants both betweene ye English & them,
as also betweene them selves, and a plaine breach of ye
same). He came suddanly upon him with 900. or 1000.
men (never denouncing any warr before). Ye others
power at yt presente was not above halfe so many;
but it pleased God to give Uncas ye victory, and he
slew many of his men, and wounded many more; but
ye cheefe of all was, he tooke Miantinomo prisoner.
And seeing he was a greate man, and ye Narigansets
a potente people & would seeke revenge, he would doe
nothing in ye case without ye advise of ye English;
so he (by ye help & direction of those of Conightecutt)
kept him prisoner till this meeting of ye comissioners.
The comissioners weighed ye cause and passages, as
they were clearly represented & sufficently evidenced
betwixte Uncass and Myantinomo; and the things being
duly considered, the comissioners apparently saw yt
Uncass could not be safe whilst Miantynomo lived, but,
either by secrete trechery or open force, his life would
still be in danger. Wherfore they thought he might
justly put such a false & bloud-thirstie enimie to death;
but in his owne jurisdiction, not in ye English plan-
tations. And they advised, in ye maner of his death
all mercy and moderation should be showed, contrary
to ye practise of ye lndeans, who exercise torturs and
cruelty. And, [261] Uncass having hitherto shewed
him selfe a freind to ye English, and in this craving
their advise, if the Narigansett Indeans or others shall
unjustly assaulte Uncass for this execution, upon notice
and request, ye English promise to assiste and protecte
him as farr as they may agaiste such violence.
This was ye issue of this bussines. The reasons and
passages hereof are more at large to be seene in ye acts
& records of this meeting of ye comissioners. And
Uncass follewd this advise, and accordingly executed
him, in a very faire maner, acording as they advised,
with due respecte to his honour & greatnes. But what
followed on ye Narigansets parte will appear hear after.
Anno Dom: 1644.
MR. EDWARD WINSLOW was chosen Govr this year.
Many having left this place (as is before noted) by
reason of ye straightnes & barrennes of ye same, and
their finding of better accommodations elsewher, more
sutable to their ends & minds; and sundrie others
still upon every occasion desiring their dismissions,
the church begane seriously to thinke whether it were
not better joyntly to remove to some other place, then
to be thus weakened, and as it were insensibly dis-
solved. Many meetings and much consultation was held
hearaboute, and diverse were mens minds and opinions.
Some were still for staying togeather in this place,
aledging men might hear live, if they would be con-
tente with their condition; and yt it was not for wante
or necessitie so much yt they removed, as for ye enrich-
ing of them selves. Others were resolute upon removall,
and so signified yt hear yey could not stay; but if ye
church did not remove, they must; insomuch as many
were swayed, rather then ther should be a dissolution,
to condescend to a removall, if a fitt place could
be found, that might more conveniently and comforta-
blie receive ye whole, with such accession of others
as might come to them, for their better strength &
subsistence; and some such like cautions and limita-
tions. So as, with ye afforesaide provissos, ye greater
parte consented to a removall to a place called Nawsett,
which had been superficially veiwed and ye good will
of ye purchassers (to whom it belonged) obtained, with
some addition thertoo from ye Courte. But now they
begane to see their errour, that they had given away
already the best & most comodious places to others,
and now wanted them selves; for this place was about
50. myles from hence, and at an outside of ye countrie,
remote from all society; also, that it would prove so
straite, as it would not be competente to receive
ye whole body, much less be capable of any addition
or increase; so as (at least in a shorte time) they
should be worse ther then they are now hear. The
which, with sundery other like considerations and in-
conveniences, made them chaing their resolutions; but
such as were before resolved upon removall tooke advan-
tage of this agreemente, & wente on notwithstanding,
neither could ye rest hinder them, they haveing made
some begining. And thus was this poore church left,
like an anciente mother, growne olde, and forsaken of
her children, (though not in their affections,) yett in
regarde of their bodily presence and personall help-
fullness. Her anciente members being most of them
worne away by death; and these of later time being
like children translated into other families, and she like
a widow left only to trust in God. Thus she that had
made many rich became her selfe poore.
[262] handled, and pacified by ye comissioner
this year.
Wheras, by a wise providence of God, tow of ye jurisdic-
tions in ye westerne parts, viz. Conightecutt & New-haven,
have beene latly exercised by sundrie insolencies & outrages
from ye Indeans; as, first, an Englishman, runing from his
mr. out of ye Massachusets, was murdered in ye woods, in or
nere ye limites of Conightecute jurisdiction; and aboute 6.
weeks after, upon discovery by an Indean, ye Indean saga-
more in these parts promised to deliver the murderer to ye
English, bound; and having accordingly brought him within
ye sight of Uncaway, by their joynte consente, as it is
informed, he was ther unbound, and left to shifte for him
selfe; wherupon 10. Englishmen forthwith coming to ye place,
being sente by Mr. Ludlow, at ye lndeans desire, to receive
ye murderer, who seeing him escaped, layed hold of 8. of ye
Indeans ther presente, amongst whom ther was a sagamore
or 2. and kept them in hold 2. days, till 4. sagamors ingaged
themselves within one month to deliver ye prisoner. And
about a weeke after this agreemente, an Indean came pre-
sumtuously and with guile, in ye day time, and murtherously
assalted an English woman in her house at Stamford, and
by 3. wounds, supposed mortall, left her for dead, after he
had robbed ye house. By which passages ye English were
provoked, & called to a due consideration of their owne
saftie; and ye Indeans generally in those parts arose in an
hostile maner, refused to come to ye English to carry
on treaties of peace, departed from their wigwames, left
their corne unweeded, and shewed them selves tumultuously
about some of ye English plantations, & shott of peeces
within hearing of ye towne; and some Indeans came to ye :
English & tould them ye Indeans would fall upon them.
So yt most of ye English thought it unsafe to travel in those
parts by land, and some of ye plantations were put upon
strong watchs and ward, night & day, & could not attend
their private occasions, and yet distrusted their owne strength
for their defence. Wherupon Hartford & New-Haven were
sent unto for aide, and saw cause both to send into ye weaker
parts of their owne jurisdiction thus in danger, and New-
Haven, for conveniencie of situation, sente aide to Uncaway,
though belonging to Conightecutt. Of all which passages
they presently acquainted ye comissioners in ye Bay, & had
ye allowance & approbation from ye Generall Courte ther,
with directions neither to hasten warr nor to bear such inso-
lencies too longe. Which courses, though chargable to them
selves, yet through Gods blessing they hope fruite is, & will
be, sweete and wholsome to all ye collonies; the murderers
are since delivered to justice, the publick peace preserved for
ye presente, & probabillitie it may be better secured for ye
Thus this mischeefe was prevented, and ye fear of
a warr hereby diverted. But now an other broyle was
begune by ye Narigansets; though they unjustly had
made warr upon Uncass, (as is before declared,) and
had, ye winter before this, ernestly presed ye Gover
of ye Massachusets that they might still make warr
upon them to revenge ye death of their sagamore, wch,
being taken prisoner, was by them put to death, (as
before was noted,) pretending that they had first received
and accepted his ransome, and then put him to death.
But ye Gover refused their presents, and tould them
yt it was them selves had done ye wronge, & broaken
ye conditions of peace; and he nor ye English neither
could nor would allow them to make any further warr
upon him, but if they did, must assiste him, & oppose
them; but if it did appeare, upon good proofe, that
he had received a ransome for his life, before he put
him to death, when ye comissioners mett, they should
have a fair hearing, and they would cause Uncass
to returne ye same. But notwithstanding, at ye spring
of ye year they gathered a great power, and fell upon
Uncass, and slue sundrie of his men, and wounded;
more, and also had some loss them selves. Uncass
cald for aide from ye English; they tould him what
ye Narigansets objected, he deney the same; they tould
him it must come to triall, and if he was inocente, if
ye Narigansets would not desiste, they would aide &
assiste him. So at this meeting they [263] sent both
to Uncass & ye Narrigansets, and required their saga-
mors to come or send to ye comissioners now mete
at Hartford, and they should have a faire & inpartiall
hearing in all their greevances, and would endeavor
yt all wrongs should be rectified wher they should be
found; and they promised that they should safly come
and returne without any danger or molestation; and.
sundry ye like things, as appears more at large in
ye messengers instructions. Upon wch the Narigansets
sent one sagamore and some other deputies, with full
power to doe in ye case as should be meete. Uncass
came in person, accompanyed with some cheefe aboute
him. After the agitation of ye bussines, ye issue was
this. The comissioners declared to ye Narigansett depu-
ties as followeth.
1. That they did not find any proofe of any ransome
agreed on.
2. It appeared not yt any wampam had been paied as a
ransome, or any parte of a ransome, for Myantinomos life.
3. That if they had in any measure proved their charge
against Uncass, the comissioners would have required him
to have made answerable satisfaction.
4. That if hereafter they can make satisfing profe, ye Eng-
lish will consider ye same, & proceed accordingly.
5. The comissioners did require yt neither them selves nor
ye Nyanticks make any warr or injulious assaulte upon
Unquass or any of his company untill they make profe
of ye ransume charged, and yt due satisfaction be deneyed,
unless he first assaulte them.
6. That if they assaulte Uncass, the English are engaged
to assist him.
Hearupon ye Narigansette sachim, advising with ye other
deputies, ingaged him selfe in the behalfe of ye Nariganset
& Nyanticks that no hostile acts should be comitted upon
Uncass, or any of his, untill after ye next planting of corne;
and yt after that, before they begine any warr, they will give
30. days wflrning to ye Gover of the Massachusets or Con-
ightecutt. The comissioners approving of this offer, and
taking their ingagmente under their hands, required Uncass,
as he expected ye continuance of ye favour of the English,
to observe the same termes of peace with ye Narigansets
and theirs.
These foregoing conclusions were subscribed by ye comis-
sioners, for ye severall jurisdictions, ye 19. of Sept: 1644.
EDWA: HOPKINS, Presidente.
The forenamed Narigansets deputies did further promise, that
if, contrary to this agreemente, any of ye Nyantick Pequents
should make any assaulte upon Uncass, or any of his, they
would deliver them up to ye English, to be punished accord-
ing to their demerits; and that they would not use any means
to procure the Mowacks to come against Uncass during this
These were their names subscribed with their marks.
[264] Anno Dom: 1645.
THE comissioners this year were caled to meete to-
gither at Boston, before their ordinarie time; partly in
regard of some differances falen betweene ye French and
ye govermente of ye Massachusets, about their aiding
of Munseire Latore against Munsseire de Aulney, and
partly aboute ye Indeans, who had broaken ye former
agreements aboute the peace concluded ye last year.
This meeting was held at Boston, ye 28. of July.
Besids some underhand assualts made on both sids,
the Narigansets gathered a great power, and fell upon
Uncass, and slew many of his men, and wounded
more, by reason yt they farr exseeded him in number,
and had gott store of peeces, with which they did him
most hurte. And as they did this withoute ye knowl-
edg and consente of ye English, (contrary to former
agree mente,) so they were resolved to prosecute ye same,
notwithstanding any thing ye English said or should doe
against them. So, being incouraged by ther late vic-
torie, and promise of assistance from ye Mowaks, (being
a strong, warlike, and desperate people,) they had all-
ready devoured Uncass & his, in their hops; and surly
they had done it in deed, if the English had not timly
sett in for his aide. For those of Conightecute sent
him 40. men, who were a garison to him, till ye comis-
sioners could meete and take further order.
Being thus mett, they forthwith sente 3. messengers,
viz. Sargent John Davis, Benedicte Arnold, and Francis
Smith, with full & ample instructions, both to ye Nari-
gansets and Uncass; to require them yt they should
either come in person or send sufficiente men fully
instructed to deale in ye bussines; and if the) refused
or delayed, to let them know (according to former
agreements) yt the English are engaged to assiste
against these hostile invasions, and yt they have sente
their men to defend Uncass, and to know of ye Nari-
gansets whether they will stand to ye former peace,
or they will assaulte ye English also, that they may
provid accordingly.
But ye messengers returned, not only with a sleight-
ing, but a threatening answer from the Narigansets
(as will more appear hereafter). Also they brought
a letter from Mr. Roger Williams, wherin he assures
them that ye warr would presenly breake forth, & ye
whole country would be all of a flame. And yt the
sachems of ye Narigansets had concluded a newtrality
with ye English of Providence and those of Aquidnett
Iland. Wherupon ye comissioners, considering ye great
danger & provocations offered, and ye necessitie we
should be put unto of making warr with ye Narigan-
setts, and being also carfull, in a matter of so great
waight & generall concernmente, to see ye way cleared,
and to give satisfaction to all ye colonies, did thinke
fitte to advise with such of ye magistrats & elders of
ye Massaechusets as were then at hand, and also with
some of ye cheefe millitary comanders ther; who being
assembled, it was then agreed, --
First, yt our ingagmente bound us to aide &, defend
Uncass. 2. That this ayde could not be intended only
to defend him & his forte, or habitation, but (according
to ye comone acceptation of such covenants, or ingag-
ments, considered with ye grounds or occasion therof)
so to ayde him as he might be preserved in his liberty
and estate. 3ly. That this ayde [265] must be speedy,
least he might be swalowed up in ye mean time, and
so come to late. 41y. The justice of this warr being
cleared to our selves and ye rest then presente, it was
thought meete yt the case should be stated, and ye
reasons & grounds of ye warr declared and published.
51y. That a day of humilliation should be apoynted,
which was ye 5. day of ye weeke following. 61y. It was
then allso agreed by ye comissioners that ye whole num~
ber of men to be raised in all ye colonies should be 300.
Wherof from ye Massachusets a 190. Plimoth, 40.
Conightecute, 40. New-Haven, 30. And considering
yt Uncass was in present danger, 40. men of this num-
ber were forthwith sente from ye Massachusets for his
sucoure; and it was but neede, for ye other 40. from
Conightecutt had order to stay but a month, & their
time being out, they returned; and ye Narigansets, hear-
ing therof, tooke the advantage, and came suddanly
upon him, and gave him another blow, to his further
loss, and were ready to doe ye like againe; but these
40. men being arrived, they returned, and did nothing.
The declaration which they sett forth I shall not
transcribe, it being very larg, and put forth in printe,
to which I referr those yt would see ye same, in which
all passages are layed open from ye first. I shall only
note their prowd carriage, and answers to ye 3. mes-
sengers sent from ye comissioners. They received them
with scorne & contempte, and tould them they resolved
to have no peace without Uncass his head; also they
gave them this further answer: that it mattered not
who begane ye warr, they were resolved to follow it,
and that ye English should withdraw their garison from
Uncass, or they would procure ye Mowakes against
them; and withall gave them this threatening answer:
that they would lay ye English catle on heaps, as high
as their houses, and yt no English-man should sturr out
of his dore to pisse, but he should be kild. And
wheras they required guids to pass throw their countrie,
to deliver their message to Uncass from ye comissioners,
they deneyed them, but at length (in way of scorne)
offered them an old Pequente woman. Besids allso
they conceived them selves in danger, for whilst ye in-
terpretour was speakeing with them about ye answer
he should returne, 3. men came & stood behind him
with ther hatchets, according to their murderous maner;
but one of his fellows gave him notice of it, so they
broak of & came away; with sundry such like affrontes,
which made those Indeans they carryed with them to
rune away for fear, and leave them to goe home as
they could.
Thus whilst ye comissioners in care of ye publick
peace sought to quench ye fire kindled amongst ye
Indeans, these children of strife breath out threatenings,
provocations, and warr against ye English them selves.
So that, unless they should dishonour & provoak God,
by violating a just ingagmente, and expose ye colonies to
contempte & danger from ye barbarians, they cannot but
exerciese force, when no other means will prevaile to
reduse ye Narigansets & their confederats to a more
just & sober temper.
So as here upon they went on to hasten ye prep-
rations, according to ye former agreemente, and sent to
Plimoth to send forth their 40. men with all speed,
to lye at Seacunke, least any deanger should befalle
it, before ye rest were ready, it lying next ye enemie,
and ther to stay till ye Massachusetts should joyne with
them. Allso Conigtecute & Newhaven forces were to
joyne togeather, and march with all speed, and ye
Indean confederats of those parts with them. All which
was done accordingly; and the souldiers of this place
were at Seacunk, the place of their rendevouze, 8. or
10. days before ye rest were ready; they were well
armed all with snaphance peeces, and wente under
ye camand of Captain [266] Standish. Those from
other places were led likwise by able comanders, * as
Captaine Mason for Conigtecute, &c.; and Majore
Gibons was made generall over ye whole, with such
comissions & instructions as was meete.
Upon ye suden dispatch of these souldiears, (the
present necessitie requiring it,) the deputies of ye
Massachusetts Courte (being now assembled imediatly
after ye setting forth of their 40. men) made a ques-
tion whether it was legally done, without their comis-
sion. It was answered, that howsoever it did properly
belong to ye authority of ye severall jurisdictions (after
* Comander in the MS.
ye warr was agreed upon by ye comissioners, & the
number of men) to provid ye men & means to carry
on ye warr; yet in this presente case, the proceeding
of ye comissioners and ye comission given was as suffi-
ciente as if it had been done by ye Generall Courte.
First, it was a case of such presente & urgente necessitie,
as could not stay ye calling of ye Courte or Counsell. 21y.
In ye Articles of Confederation, power is given to ye comis-
sioners to consult, order, & determine all affaires of warr,
&c. And ye word determine comprehends all acts of author-
ity belonging therunto.
31y. The comissioners are ye judges of ye necessitie of the
41y. The Generall Courte have made their owne comis-
sioners their sole counsell for these affires.
51y. These counsels could not have had their due effecte
excepte they had power to proceede in this case, as they
have done; which were to make ye comissioners power, and
ye maine end of ye confederation, to be frustrate, and that
mearly for observing a ceremony.
61y. The comissioners haveing sole power to manage ye
warr for number of men, for time, place, &c., they only
know their owne counsells, & determinations, and therfore
none can grante comission to acte according to these but
them selves.
All things being thus in readines, and some of ye
souldiers gone forth, and the rest ready to march,
the comissioners thought it meete before any hostile
acte was performed, to cause a presente to be re-
turned, which had been sente to ye Gover of the Mas-
sachusetts from ye Narigansett sachems, but not by
him received, but layed up to be accepted or refused
as they should carry them selves, and observe ye cove-
nants. Therfore they violating the same, & standing
out thus to a warr, it was againe returned, by 2. mes-
sengers & an interpretour. And further to let know
that their men already sent to Uncass (& other wher
sent forth) have hitherto had express order only to
stand upon his & their owne defence, and not to
attempte any invasion of ye Narigansetts country; and
yet if they may have due reperation for what is past,
and good securitie for ye future, it shall appear they
are as desirous of peace, and shall be as tender of ye
Narigansets blood as ever. If therefore Pessecuss,
Innemo, with other sachemes, will (without further
delay) come along with you to Boston, the comis-
sioners doe promise & assure them, they shall have
free liberty to come, and retourne without molesta-
tion or any just greevance from ye English. But
deputies will not now serve, nor may the prepara-
tions in hand be now stayed, or ye directions given
recalled, till ye forementioned sagamors come, and
some further order be taken. But if they will have
nothing but warr, the English are providing, and will
proceede accordingly.
Pessecouss, Mixano, & Witowash, 3. principall sa-
chems of ye Narigansett Indeans, and Awasequen, dep-
utie for ye Nyanticks, with a large traine of men,
within a few days after came to Boston.
And to omitte all other circomstances and debats yt
past betweene them and the comissioners, they came
to this conclusion following.
[267] 1. It was agreed betwixte ye comissioners of ye
United Collonies, and ye fore mentioned sagamores, & Nian-
tick deputie, that ye said Narigansets & Niantick, sagamores
should pay or cause to be payed at Boston, to ye Massa-
chusets comissioners, ye full sume of 2000. fathome of good
white wampame, or a third parte of black wampampeage,
in 4. payments; namely, 500. fathome within 20. days,
500. fathome within 4. months, 500. fathome at or before
next planting time, and 500. fathome within 2. years next
after ye date of these presents; which 2000. fathome ye
comissioners accepte for satisfaction of former charges ex-
2. The foresaid sagamors & deputie (on ye behalfe of ye
Narigansett & Niantick Indeans) hereby promise & cove-
nante that they upon demand and profe satisfie & re-
store unto Uncass, ye Mohigan sagamore, all such cap-
tives, whether men, or women, or children, and all such
canowes, as they or any of their men have taken, or as
many of their owne canowes in ye roome of them, full as
good as they were, with full satisfaction for all such corne
as they or any of theire men have spoyled or destroyed, of
his or his mens, since last planting time; and ye English
comissioners hereby promise yt Uncass shall doe ye like.
3. Wheras ther are sundry differences & greevances be-
twixte Narigansett & Niantick Indeans, and Uncass & his
men, (which in Uncass his absence cannot now be detir-
mined,) it is hearby agreed yt Nariganset & Niantick saga-
mores either come them selves, or send their deputies to ye
next meeting of ye comissioners for ye collonies, either at
New-Haven in Sept 1646. or sooner (upon conveniente warn-
ing, if ye said comissioners doe meete sooner), fully instructed
to declare & make due proofe of their injuries, and to sub-
mite to ye judgmente of ye comissioners, in giving or receiv-
ing satisfaction; and ye said comissioners (not doubting but
Uncass will either come him selfe, or send his deputies,
in like maner furnished) promising to give a full hearing
to both parties with equall justice, without any partiall
respects, according to their allegations and profs.
4. The said Narigansett & Niantick sagamors& deputies
doe hearby promise & covenante to keep and maintaine a
firme & perpetuall peace, both with all ye English United
Colonies & their successors, and with Uncass, ye Monhegen
sachem, & his men; with Ossamequine, Pumham, Sokanoke,
Cutsharuakin, Shoanan, Passaconaway, and all other Indean
sagamors, and their companies, who are in freindship with
or subjecte to any of ye English; hearby ingaging them
selves, that they will not at any time hearafter disturbe ye
peace of ye cuntry, by any assaults, hostile attempts, inva-
sions, or other injuries, to any of ye Unnited Collonies, or
their successors; or to ye afforesaid Indeans; either in their
persons, buildings, catle, or goods, directly or indirectly; nor
will they confederate with any other against them; & if
they know of any Indeans or others yt conspire or intend
hurt against ye said English, or any Indeans subjecte to or in
freindship with them, they will without delay acquainte & give
notice therof to ye English cofiiissioners, or some of them.
Or if any questions or differences shall at any time here-
after arise or grow betwext them & Uncass, or any Endeans
before mentioned, they will, according to former ingagments
(which they hearby confirme & ratifie) first acquainte ye
English, and crave their judgments & advice therin; and
will not attempte or begine any warr, or hostille invasion,
till they have liberty and alowance from ye comissioners of
ye United Collonies so to doe.
5. The said Narigansets & Niantick sagamores & depu-
ties doe hearby promise yt they will forthwth deliver & re-
store all such Indean fugitives, or captives which have at
any time fled from any of ye English, and are now living
or abiding amongst them, or give due satisfaction for them
to ye comissioners for ye Massachusets; and further, that
they will (without more delays) pay, or cause to be payed,
a yearly tribute, a month before harvest, every year after
this, at Boston, to ye English Colonies, for all such Pequents
as live amongst them, according to ye former treaty &
agreemente, made at Hartford, 1638. namly, one fathome
of white wampam for every Pequente man, & halfe a
fathume for each Pequente youth, and one hand length
for each mal-child. And if Weequashcooke refuse to pay
this tlibute for any Pequents with him, the Narigansetts
sagamores promise to assiste ye English againt him. And
they further covenante yt they will resigne & yeeld up the
whole Pequente cuntrie, and every parte of it, to ye Eng-
lish collonies, as due to them by conquest.
6. The said Narigansett & Niantick sagamores & deputie
doe hereby promise & covenante yt within 14. days they will
bring & deliver to ye Massachusetts comissioners on ye be-
halfe of ye collonies, [268] foure of their children, viz.
Pessecous his eldest son, the sone Tassaquanawite, brother
to Pessecouss, Awashawe his sone, and Ewangsos sone, a
Niantick, to be kepte (as hostages & pledges) by ye English,
till both ye forementioned 2000. fathome of wampam be payed
at ye times appoynted, and ye differences betweexte themselves
& Uncass be heard & ordered, and till these artickles be
under writen at Boston, by Jenemo & Wipetock. And fur-
ther they hereby promise & covenante, yt if at any time
hearafter any of ye said children shall make escape, or be
conveyed away from ye English, before ye premisses be fully
accomplished, they will either bring back & deliver to ye
Massachusett comissioners ye same children, or, if they be not
to be founde, such & so many other children, to be chosen
by ye comissioners for ye United Collonies, or their assignes,
and yt within 20. days after demand, and in ye mean time,
untill ye said 4. children be delivered as hostages, ye Nari-
gansett & Niantick sagamors & deputy doe, freely & of their
owne accorde, leave with ye Massachusett comissioners, as
pledges for presente securitie, 4. Indeans, namely, Witowash,
Pumanise, Jawashoe, Waughwamino, who allso freely con-
sente, and offer them selves to stay as pledges, till ye said
children be brought & delivered as abovesaid.
7. The comissioners for ye United Collonies doe hereby
promise & agree that, at ye charge of ye United Collonies,
ye 4. Indeans now left as pledges shall be provided for, and yt
the 4. children to be brought & delivered as hostages shall
be kepte & maintained at ye same charge; that they will
require Uncass & his men, with all other Indean sagamors
before named, to forbear all acts of hostilitie againste ye Nari-
gansetts and Niantick Indeans for ye future. And further,
all ye promises being duly observed & kept by ye Narigansett
& Niantick Indians and their company, they will at ye end
of 2. years restore ye said children delivered as hostiages,
and retaine a firme peace with ye Narigansets & Nianticke
Indeans aud their successours.
8. It is fully agreed by & betwixte ye said parties, yt if
any hostile attempte be made while this treaty is in hand,
or before notice of this agreemente (to stay further prepara-
tions & directions) can be given, such attempts & ye conse-
quencts therof shall on neither parte be accounted a violation
of this treaty, nor a breach of ye peace hear made & con-
9. The Narigansets & Niantick sagamors & deputie hereby
agree & covenante to & with ye comissioners of ye United
Collonies, yt henceforth they will neither give, grante, sell,
or in any maner alienate, any parte of their countrie, nor
any parcell of land therin, either to any of ye English or
others, without consente or allowance of ye comissioners.
10. Lastly, they promise that, if any Pequente or other be
found & discovered amongst them who hath in time of peace
murdered any of ye English, he or they shall be delivered to
just punishmente.
In witness wherof ye parties above named have inter-
chaingablie subscribed these presents, the day & year above
MEEKESANO his mark
WITOWASH his mark
AUMSEQUEN his mark the Niantick
ABDAS his mark
PUMMASH his mark
This treaty and agreemente betwixte the comissioners of ye
United Collonies and ye sagamores and deputy of Narrigansets
and Niantick Indeans was made and concluded, Benedicte
Arnold being interpretour upon his oath; Sergante Callicate
& an Indean, his man, being presente, and Josias & Cut-
shamakin, tow Indeans aquainted with ye English language,
assisting therin; who opened & cleared the whole treaty, &
every article, to ye sagamores and deputie there presente.
And thus was ye warr at this time stayed and pre-
[269] Anno Dom: 1646.
ABOUT ye midle of May, this year, came in 3. ships
into this harbor, in warrlike order; they were found to
be men of warr. The captains name was Crumwell,
who had taken sundrie prizes from ye Spaniards in ye
West Indies. He had a comission from ye Earle of
Warwick. He had abord his vessels aboute 80. lustie
men, (but very unruly,) who, after they came ashore,
did so distemper them selves with drinke as they be-
came like madd-men; and though some of them were
punished & imprisoned, yet could they hardly be re-
strained; yet in ye ende they became more moderate
& orderly. They continued here aboute a month or
6. weeks, and then went to ye Massachusets; ill which
time they spente and scattered a great deale of money
among ye people, and yet more sine (I fear) then
money, notwithstanding all ye care & watchfullnes that
was used towards them, to prevente what might be.
In which time one sadd accidente fell out. A des-
perate fellow of ye company fell a quarling with some
of his company. His captine comanded him to be quiet
& surcease his quarelling; but he would not, but
reviled his captaine with base language, & in ye end
halfe drew his rapier, & intended to rune at his captien;
but he closed with him, and wrasted his rapier from
him, and gave him a boxe on ye earr; but he would
not give over, but still assaulted his captaine. Wher-
upon he tooke ye same rapier: as it was in ye scaberd,
and gave him a blow with ye hilts; but it light on his
head, & ye smal end of ye bar of ye rapier hilts peirct
his scull, & he dyed a few days after. But ye captaine
was cleared by a counsell of warr. This fellow was
so desperate a quareller as ye captaine was faine many
times to chaine him under hatches from hurting his
fellows, as ye company did testifie; and this was his
This Captaine Thomas Cromuell sett forth another
vioage to the Westindeas, from the Bay of the Massa-
chusets, well maned & victuled; and was out 3. years,
and tooke sundry prises, and returned rich unto the
Massachusets, and ther dyed the same somere, having
gott a fall from his horse, in which fall he fell on his
rapeir hilts, and so brused his body as he shortly after
dyed therof, with some other distempers, which brought
him into a feavor. Some observed that ther might be
somthing of the hand of God herein; that as the fore-
named man dyed of ye blow he gave him with ye rapeir
hilts, so his owne death was occationed by a like means.
This year Mr. Edward Winslow went into England,
upon this occation: some discontented persons under
ye govermente of the Massachusets sought to trouble
their peace, and disturbe, if not innovate, their gover-
mente, by laying many [270] scandals upon them;
and intended to prosecute against them in England, by
petitioning & complaining to the Parlemente. Allso
Samuell Gorton & his company made complaints against
them; so as they made choyse of Mr. Winslow to be
their agente, to make their defence, and gave him
comission & instructions for that end; in which he so
carried him selfe as did well answer their ends, and
cleared them from any blame or dishonour, to the
shame of their adversaries. But by reason of the great
alterations in the State, he was detained longer then
was expected; and afterwards fell into other imploy-
ments their, so as he hath now bene absente this
4. years, which hath been much to the weakning of
this govermente, without whose consente he tooke these
imployments upon him.
Anno 1647. And Anno 1648.
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