by William Bradford
1620-1647 Book Two / pp. 152 to 186
This somer they builte a fort with good timber,
both strong & comly, which was of good defence, made
with a flate rofe & batllments, on which their ordnance
were mounted, and wher they kepte constante watch,
espetially in time of danger. It served them allso for
a meeting house, and was fitted accordingly for that
use. It was a great worke for them in this weaknes
and time of wants; but ye deanger of ye time required
it, and both ye continuall rumors of ye fears from ye
Indeans hear, espetially ye Narigansets, and also ye
hearing of that great massacre in Virginia, made all
hands willing to despatch ye same.
Now ye wellcome time of harvest aproacbed, in which
all had their hungrie bellies filled. But it arose but to a litle,
in comparison of a full years supplie; partly by reason
they were not yet well aquainted with ye maiier of Indean
corne, (and they. had no other,) allso their many other
imployments, but cheefly their weaknes for wante of
food, to tend it as they
should have done. Also much was stolne both by
night & day, before it became scarce eatable, & much
more afterward. And though many were well whipt
(when they were taken) for a few ears of corne, yet
hunger made others (whom conscience did not re-
straine) to venture. So as it well appeared yt famine
must still insue ye next year allso, if not some way
prevented, or supplie should faile, to which they durst
not trust. Markets there was none to goe too, but
only ye Indeans, and they had no trading comodities.
Behold now another providence of God; a ship comes
into ye [91] harbor, one Captain Jons being cheefe
therin. They were set out by some marchants to dis-
covere all ye harbors betweene this & Virginia, and ye
shoulds of Cap-Cod, and to trade along ye coast wher
they could. This ship had store of English-beads
(which were then good trade) and some knives, but
would sell none but at dear rates, and also a good
quantie togeather. Yet they we ere glad of ye occa-
sion, and faine to buy at any rate; they were faine
to give after ye rate of cento per cento, if not more,
and yet pay away coat-beaver at 3s. perli., which in a
few years after yeelded 20s. By this means they were
fitted againe to trade for beaver & other things, and
intended to buy what corne they could.
But I will hear take liberty to make a title digres-
sion. Ther was in this ship a gentle-man by name
Mr. John Poory; he had been secretarie in Virginia,
and was now going home passenger in this ship.
After his departure he write a leter to ye Govr in ye
postscrite wherof he hath these lines.
To your selfe and Mr. Brewster, I must acknowledg my
selfe many ways indebted, whose books I would have you
thinke very well bestowed on him, who esteemeth them shuch
juells. My hast would not suffer me to remember (much
less to begg) Mr. Ainsworths elaborate worke upon ye 5.
books of Moyses. Both his & Mr. Robinsons doe highly
com end the authors, as being most conversante in ye scrip-
turs of all others. And what good (who knows) it may
please God to worke by them, through my hands, (though
most unworthy,) who finds shuch high contente in them.
God have you all in his keeping.
Your unfained and firme freind,
Aug. 28.1622. JOHN PORY.
These things I hear inserte for honour sake of ye
authors memorie, which this gentle-man doth thus in-
geniusly acknowledg; and him selfe after his returne
did this poore-plantation much credite amongst those
of no mean ranck. But to returnee
[92] Shortly after harvest Mr. Westons people who
were now seated at ye Massachusets, and by disorder
(as it seems) had made havock of their provissions,
begane now to perceive that want would come upon
them. And hearing that they hear had bought trading
comodities & intended to trade for corne, they write
to ye Govr and desired they might joyne with them,
and they would imploy their small ship in ye servise;
and furder requested either to lend or sell them so
much of their trading comodities as their part might
come to, and they would undertake to make paymente
when Mr. Weston, or their supply, should come. The
Govr condesended upon equall terms of agreemente,
thinkeing to goe aboute ye Cap to ye southward
with ye ship, wher some store of corne might be
got. Althings being provided, Captaint Standish was
apointed to goe with them, and Squanto for a guid &
interpreter, about ye latter end of September; but ye
winds put them in againe, & putting out ye 2. time,
he fell sick of a feavor, so ye Govr wente him selfe.
But they could not get aboute ye should of Cap-Cod,
for flats & breakers, neither could Squanto directe
them better, nor ye mr. durst venture any further, so
they put into Manamoyack Bay and got wt* they
could ther. In this place Squanto fell sick of an
Indean feavor, bleeding much at ye nose (which ye
Indeans take for a simptome of death), and within a
few days dyed ther; desiring ye Govr to pray for him,
that he might goe to ye Englishmens God in heaven,
and bequeathed sundrie of his things to sundry of his
English freinds, as remembrances of his love; of whom
they had a great loss. They got in this vioage, in one
place & other, about 26. or 28. hogsheads of corne &
beans, which was more then ye Indeans could well
spare in these parts, for ye set but a litle till they got
English hows. And so were faine to returne, being sory
they could not gett about the Cap, to have been better
laden. After ward ye Govr tooke a few men & wente
to ye inland places, to get what he could, and to fetch
it home at ye spring, which did help them something.
[93] After these things, in Feb: a messenger came
from John Sanders, who was left cheefe over Mr. Wes-
ton's men in ye bay of Massachusets, who brought a
*Wth in the mannscript.
letter shewing the great wants they were falen into;
and he would have borrowed a hh of corne of ye In-
deans, but they would lend him none. He desired
advice whether he might not take it from them by
force to succore his men till he came from ye east-
ward, whither he was going. The Govr & rest de-
swaded him by all means from it, for it might so
exasperate the Indeans as might endanger their saftie,
and all of us might smart for it; for they had already
heard how they had so wronged ye Indeans by steal-
ing their corne, &c. as they were much incensed
against them. Yea, so base were some of their own
company, as they wente & tould ye Indeans yt their
Govr was purposed to come and take their corne by
force. The which with other things made them enter
into a conspiracie against ye English, of which more
in ye nexte. Hear with I end this year.
Anno Dom: 1623.
IT may be thought strang that these people should
fall to these extremities in so short a time, being left
competently provided when ye ship left them, and had
an addition by that moyetie of corn that was got by
trade, besids much they gott of ye Indans wher they
lived, by one means & other. It must needs be their
great disorder, for they spent excesseivly whilst they
had, or could get it; and, it may be, wasted parte
away among ye Indeans (for he yt was their cheef
was taxed by some amongst them for keeping Indean
women, how truly I know not). And after they
begane to come into wants, many sould away their
cloathes and bed coverings; others (so base were they)
became servants to ye Indeans, and would cutt them
woode & fetch them water, for a cap full of corne;
others fell to plaine stealing, both night & day, from
ye Indeans, of which they greevosly complained. In
ye end, they came to that misery, that some starved
& dyed with could & hunger. One in geathering
shell-fish was so weake as he stuck fast in ye mudd,
and was found dead in ye place. At last most of them
left their dwellings & scatered up & downe in ye [94]
woods, & by ye water sids, wher they could find
ground nuts & clames, hear 6. and ther ten. By
which their cariages they became contemned & scorned
of ye Indeans, and they begane greatly to insulte over
them in a most insolente maner; insomuch, many times
as they lay thus scatered abrod, and had set on a pot
with ground nuts or shell-fish, when it was ready the
Indeans would come and eate it up; and when night
came, wheras some of them had a sorie blanket, or
such like, to lappe them selves in, the Indeans would
take it and let ye other lye all nighte in the could;
so as their condition was very lamentable. Yea, in
ye end they were faine to hange one of their men,
whom they could not recliame from stealing, to give
ye Indeans contente.
Whilst things wente in this maner with them, ye
Govr & people hear had notice yt Massasoyte ther
freind was sick & near unto death. They sent to
vissete him, and withall sente him such comfortable
things as gave him great contente, and was a means
of his recovery; upon which occasion he discovers ye
conspiracie of these Indeans, how they were resolved
to cutt of Mr. Westons people, for the continuall in-
juries they did them, & would now take opportunitie
of their weaknes to doe it; and for that end had con-
spired with other Indeans their neighbours their aboute.
And thinking the people hear would revenge their
death, they therfore thought to doe ye like by them,
& had solisited him to joyne with them. He advised
them therfore to prevent it, and that speedly by tak-
ing of some of ye cheefe of them, before it was to
late, for he asured them of ye truth hereof.
This did much trouble them, and they tooke it into
serious delibration, and found upon examenation other
evidence to give light hear unto, to longe hear to
relate. In ye mean time, came one of them from
ye Massachucts, with a small pack at his back; and
though he knew not a foote of ye way, yet he got
safe hither, but lost his way, which was well for him,
for he was pursued, and so was mist. He tould them
hear how all things stood amongst them, and that he
durst stay no longer, he apprehended they (by what
he observed) would be all knokt in ye head shortly.
This made them make ye more hast, & dispatched a
boate a way wth Capten Standish & some men, who
found them in a miserable condition, out of which he
rescued them, and helped them to some releef, cut of
some few of ye cheefe conspirators, and, according to
his order, offered to bring them all hither if they
thought good; and they should fare no worse then
them selves, till Mr. Weston or some supplie came to
them. Or, if any other course liked them better,
he was to doe them any helpfullnes he could. They
thanked him & ye rest. But most of them desired he
would help them with some corne, and they would
goe with their smale ship to ye eastward, wher hapily
they might here of Mr. Weston, or some supply from
him, seing ye time of ye year was for fishing ships
to [95] be in ye land. If not, they would worke
among ye fishermen for their liveing, and get ther pas-
sage into England, if they heard nothing from Mr.
Weston in time. So they shipped what they had of
any worth, and he got them all ye corne he could
(scarce leaving to bring him home), and saw them
well out of ye bay, under saile at sea, and so came
home, not takeing ye worth of a peny of any thing
that was theirs. I have but touched these things
breefly, because they have allready been published in
printe more at large.
This was ye end of these that some time bosted of
their strength, (being all able lustie men,) and what
they would doe & bring to pass, in comparison of ye
people hear, who had many women & children and
weak ons amongst them; and said at their first arivall,
when they saw the wants hear, that they would take
an other course, and not to fall into shuch a condition
as this simple people were come too. But a mans
way is not in his owne power; God can make ye
weake to stand; let him also that standeth take heed
least he fall.
Shortly after, Mr. Weston came over with some of
ye fishermen, under another name, and ye disguise of a
blacke-smith, were he heard of ye mine and disolution
of his colony. He got a boat and with a man or
2. came to see how things were. But by ye way, for
wante of skill, in a storme, he cast away his shalop in
ye botome of ye bay between Meremek river & Pas-
cataquack, & hardly escaped with life, and afterwards
fell into the hands of ye Indeans, who pillaged him
of all he saved from the sea, & striped him out of
all his cloaths to his shirte. At last he got to Pas-
cataquack, & borrowed a suite of cloaths, and got
means to come to Plimoth. A strang alteration ther
was in him to such as had seen & known him in his
former florishing condition; so uncertaine are ye muta-
ble things of this unstable world. And yet men set their
harts upon them, though they dayly see ye vanity
After many passag~s, and much discourse, (former
things boyling in his mind, but bit in as was dis-
cernd,) he desired to borrow some beaver of them;
and tould them he had hope of a ship & good supply
to come to him, and then they should have any thing
for it they stood in neede of. They gave title credite
to his supplie, but pitied his case, and remembered
former curtesies. They tould him he saw their wants,
and they knew not when they should have any supply;
also how ye case stood betweene them & their ad-
venturers, he well knew; they had not much bever,
& if they should let him have it, it were enoughe to
make a mutinie among ye people, seeing ther was no
other means to procure them foode which they so much
wanted, & cloaths allso. Yet they tould him they
would help him, considering his necessitie, but must
doe it secretly for ye former reasons. So they let
him have 100. beaver-skins, which waighed 170li. odd
pounds. Thus they helpt him when all ye world faild
him, and with this means he went againe to ye ships,
and stayed his small ship & some of his men, &
bought provissions and fited him selfe; and it was ye
only foundation [96] of his after course. But he re-
quited them ill, for he proved after a bitter enimie
unto them upon all occasions, and never repayed them
any thing for it, to this day, but reproches and evill
words. Yea, he divolged it to some that were none
of their best freinds, whilst he yet had ye beaver in
his boat; that he could now set them all togeather by
ye ears, because they had done more then they could
answer, in letting him have this beaver, and he did
not spare to doe what he could. But his malice could
not prevaile.
All this whille no supply was heard of, neither knew
they when they might expecte any. So they begane
to thinke how they might raise as much corne as they
could, and obtaine a beter crope then they had done,
that they might not still thus languish in miserie. At
length, after much debate of things, the Govr (with
ye advise of ye cheefest amongest them) gave way that
they should set corne every man for his owne per-
ticuler, and in that regard trust to them selves; in all
other things to goe on in ye generall way as before.
And so assigned to every family a parcell of land,
according to the proportion of their number for that
end, only for present use (but made no devission for
inheritance), and ranged all boys & youth under some
familie. This had very good success; for it made all
hands very industrious, so as much more corne was
planted then other waise would have bene by any
means ye Govr or any other could use, and saved him
a great deall of trouble, and gave farr better contente.
The women now wente willingly into ye feild, and
tooke their litle-ons with them to set corne, which
before would aledg weaknes, and inabilitie; whom to
have compelled would have bene thought great tiranie
and oppression.
The experience that was had in this comone course
and condition, tried sundrie years, and that amongst
godly and sober men, may well evince the vanitie of
that conceite of Platos & other ancients, applauded
by some of later times; that ye taking away of
propertie, and bringing in comunitie into a comone
wealth, would make them happy and florishing; as if
they were wiser then God. For this comunitie (so
farr as it was) was found to breed much confusion &
discontent, and retard much imploymet that would
have been to their beneflte and comforte. For ye
yong-men that were most able and fitte for labour &
service did repine that they should spend their time
& streingth to worke for other mens wives and chil-
dren, with out any recompence. The strong, or man
of parts, had no more in devission of victails & cloaths,
then he that was weake and not able to doe a quarter
ye other could; this was thought injuestice. The aged
and graver men to be ranked and [97] equalised in
labours, and victails, cloaths, &c., with ye meaner &
yonger sorte, thought it some indignite & disrespect
unto them. And for mens wives to be commanded to
doe servise for other men, as dresing their meate, wash-
ing their cloaths, &c., they deemd it a kind of slaverie,
neither could many husbands well brooke it. Upon ye
poynte all being to have alike, and all to doe alike,
they thought them selves in ye like condition, and one
as good as another; and so, if it did not cut of those
relations that God hath set amongest men, yet it did
at least much diminish and take of ye mutuall respects
that should be preserved amongst them. And would
have bene worse if they had been men of another
condition. Let none objecte this is men's corruption,
and nothing to ye course it selfe. I answer, seeing all
men have this corruption in them, God in his wis-
dome saw another course fiter for them.
But to returnee. After this course setled, and by
that their core was planted, all ther victails were
spente, and they were only to rest on Gods provi-
dence; at night not many times knowing wher to have
a bitt of any thing ye next day. And so, as one well
observed, had need to pray that God would give them
their dayly brade, above all people in ye world. Yet
they bore these wants with great patience & allacritie
of spirite, and that for so long a time as for ye most
parte of 2. years; which makes me remember what
Peter Martire writs, (in magnifying ye Spaniards) in
his 5. Decade, pag. 208. They (saith he) led a m is-
erable life for 5. days togeather, with ye parched graine
of maize only, and that not to saturitie; and then con-
cluds, that shuch pains, shuch labours, and shuch hunger,
he thought none living which is not a Spaniard could
have endured. But alass! these, when they had maize
(yt is, Indean corne) they thought it as good as a
feast, and wanted not only for 5. days togeather, but
some time 2. or 3. months togeather, and neither had
bread nor any kind of corne. Indeed, in an other
place, in his 2. Decade, page 94. he mentions how
others of them were worse put to it, wher they were
faine to eate doggs, toads, and dead men, and so
dyed almost all. From these extremities the * Lord in
his goodnes kept these his people, and in their great
wants preserved both their lives and healthes; let his
name have ye praise. Yet let me hear make use of
his conclusion, which in some sorte may be applied
to this people: That with their miseries they opened
a way to these new-lands; and after these stormes, with
what ease other men came to inhabite in them, in respecte
of ye calamities these men suffered; so as they seeme to
goe to a bride feaste wher all things are provided for
They haveing but one boat left and she not over
well fitted, they were devided into severall companies,
6. or 7. to a gangg or company, and so wente out
with a nett they had bought, to take bass & such like
fish, by course, every company knowing their turne.
No sooner was ye boate discharged [98] of what she
brought, but ye next company tooke her and wente
out with her. Neither did they returne till they had
cauight something, though it were 5. or 6. days be-
fore, for they knew ther was nothing at home, and to
goe home emptie would be a great discouragemente
to ye rest. Yea, they strive who should doe best.
*They in the MS.
If she stayed longe or got litle, then all went to seek-
ing of shel-fish, which at low-water they digged out
of ye sands. And this was their living in ye somer
time, till God sente ym beter; & in winter they were
helped with ground-nuts and foule. Also in ye somer
they gott now & then a dear; for one or 2. of ye
fitest was apoynted to range ye woods for yt end, &
what was gott that way was devided amongst them.
At length they received some leters from ye ad-
venturers, too long and tedious hear to record, by
which they heard of their furder crosses and frustra-
tions; begining in this maner.
Loving freinds, as your sorrows & afflictions have bin
great, so our croses & interceptions in our proceedings hear,
have not been small. For after we had with much trouble
& charge sente ye Parragon away to sea, and thought all ye
paine past, within 14. days after she came againe hither,
being dangerously leaked, and brused with tempestious
stormes, so as shee was faine to be had into ye docke, and
an 100li. bestowed upon her. All ye passengers lying upon
our charg for 6. or 7. weeks, and much discontent and dis-
temper was occasioned hereby, so as some dangerous evente
had like to insewed. But we trust all shall be well and
worke for ye best and your benefite, if yet with patience
you can waite and but have strength to hold in life.
Whilst these things were doing, Mr. Westons ship came
and brought diverce leters from you, &c. It rejoyseth us
much to hear of those good reports yt diverce have brought
home from you, &c.
These letters were dated Des. 21: 1622.
So farr of this leter.
This ship was brought by Mr. John Peirce, and set
out at his owne charge, upon hope of great maters.
These passengers, & ye goods the company sent in
her, he tooke in for fraught, for which they agreed
with him to be delivered hear. This was he in whose
name their first patente was taken, by reason of
aquaintance, and some aliance that some of their
freinds had with him. But his name was only used in
trust. But when he saw they were hear hopfully thus
seated, and by ye success God gave them had obtained
ye favour of ye Counsell of New-England, he goes and
sues to them for another patent of much larger extente
(in their names), which was easily obtained. But he
mente to keep it to him selfe and alow them what
he pleased, to hold of him as tenants, and sue to his
courts as cheefe Lord, as will appear by that which
follows. But ye Lord marvelously crost him; for after
this first returne, and ye charge above mentioned,
when shee was againe fitted, he pesters him selfe and
taks in more passengers, and those not very good to
help to bear his losses, and sets out ye 2. time. But
[99] what ye event was will appear from another leter
from one of ye cheefe of ye company, dated ye 9. of
Aprill, 1623. writ to ye Govr hear, as followeth.
Loving freind, when I write my last leter, I hope to have
received one from you well-nigh by this time. But when
I write in Des: I litle thought to have seen Mr. John
Peirce till he had brought some good tidings from you. But
it pleased God, he brought us ye wofull tidings of his
returne when he was half-way over, by extraime tempest,
werin ye goodnes & mercie of God appeared in sparing their
lives, being 109. souls. The loss is so great to Mr. Peirce,
&c., and ye companie put upon so great charge, as veryly, &c.
Now with great trouble & loss, we have got Mr. John
Peirce to assigne over ye grand patente to ye companie,
which he had taken in his owne name, and made quite voyd
our former grante. I am sorie to writ how many hear thinke
yt the hand of God was justly against him, both ye first
and 2. time of his returne; in regard he, whom you and
we so confidently trusted, but only to use his name for ye
company, should aspire to be lord over us all, and so make
you & us tenants at his will and pleasure, our assurance
or patente being quite voyd & disanuled by his means. I
desire to judg charitably of him. But his unwillingnes to
part with his royall Lordship, and ye high-rate he set it at,
which was 500li. which cost him but 50li., maks many speake
and judg hardly of him. The company are out for goods in
his ship, with charge aboute ye passengers, 640li., &c.
We have agreed with 2. marchants for a ship of 140.
tunes, caled ye Anne, which is to be ready ye last of this
month, to bring 60. passengers & 60. tune of goods, &c.
This was dated Aprill 9. 1623.
These were ther owne words and judgmente of this
mans dealing & proceedings; for I thought it more
meete to render them in theirs then my owne words.
And yet though ther was never got other recompence
then the resignation of this patente, and ye shares he
had in adventure, for all ye former great sumes, he
was never quiet, but sued them in most of ye cheefe
courts in England, and when he was still cast, brought
it to ye Parlemente. But he is now dead, and I will
leave him to ye Lord.
This ship suffered ye greatest extreemitie at sea at
her 2. returne, that one shall lightly hear of, to be
saved; as I have been informed by Mr. William Peirce
who was then mr. of her, and many others that were
passengers in her. It was aboute ye midle of Feb:
The storme was for ye most parte of 14. days, but
for 2. or 3. days & nights togeather in most violent
extremitie. After they had cut downe their mast, ye
storme beat of their round house and all their uper
works; 3. men had worke enough at ye helme, and he
that cund ye ship before ye sea, was faine [100] to be
bound fast for washing a way; the seas did so over-
rake them, as many times those upon ye decke knew
not whether they were within bord or withoute; and
once she was so foundered in ye sea as they all
thought she would never rise againe. But yet ye
Lord preserved them, and brought them at last safe
to Ports-mouth, to ye wonder of all men yt saw in
what a case she was in, and heard what they had
About ye later end of June came in a ship, with
Captaine Francis West, who had a comission to be
admirall of New-England, to restraine interlopers, and
shuch fishing ships as came to fish & trade without
a licence from ye Counsell of New-England, for which
they should pay a round sume of money. But he
could doe no good of them, for they were to stronge
for him, and he found ye fisher men to be stuberne
fellows. And their owners, upon complainte made to
ye Parlemente, procured an order yt fishing should be
free. He tould ye Govr they spooke with a ship at
sea, and were abord her, yt was coming for this plan-
tation, in which were sundrie passengers, and they
marvelled she was not arrived, fearing some miscariage;
for they lost her in a storme that fell shortly after
they had been abord. Which relation filled them full
of fear, yet mixed with hope. The mr. of this ship
had some 2. hh of pease to sell, but seeing their
wants, held them at 9li. sterling a hoggshead, & under
8li. he would not take, and yet would have beaver at
an under rate. But they tould him they had lived
so long with out, and would doe still, rather then
give so unreasonably. So they went from hence to
Virginia. *
*I may not here omite how, notwithstand all their great paines & indns-
trie, and ye great hops of a large cropp, the Lord seemed to blast, & take
away the same, and to threaten further & more sore famine unto them, by
a great drought which continued from ye 3. weeke in May, till about ye
midle of July, without any raine, and with great heat (for ye most parte),
insomuch as ye corne begane to wither away, though it was set with fishe,
the moysture wherof helped it much. Yet at length it begane to languish
sore, and some of ye drier grounds were partched like withered hay, part
wherof was never recovered. Upon which they sett a parte a solemne day
of humilliation, to seek ye Lord by humble & fervente prayer, in this great
distrese. And he was pleased to give them a gracious & speedy answer, both
to their owne, & the lndeans admiration, that lived amongest them. For all
ye morning, and greatest part of the day, it was clear weather & very hotte,
About 14. days after came in this ship, caled ye
Anne, wherof Mr. William Peirce was mr., and aboute
a weeke or 10. days after came in ye pinass which in
foule weather they lost at sea, a fine new vessell of
about 44. tune, which ye company had builte to stay
in the cuntrie. They brought about 60. persons for
ye generall, some of them being very usefull persons,
and became good members to ye body, and some were
ye wives and children of shuch as were hear allready.
And some were so bad, as they were faine to be at
charge to send them home againe ye next year. Also,
besids these ther came a company, that did not belong
to ye generall body, but came one* their perticuler,
and were to have lands assigned them, and be for
them selves, yet to be subjecte to ye generall Gov-
and not a cloud or any signe of raine to be seen, yet toward evening it
begane to overcast, and shortly after to raine, with shuch sweete and gentle
showers, as gave them cause of rejoyceing, & blesing God. It came, without
either wind, or thunder, or any violence, and by degreese in yt abundance,
as that ye earth was thorowly were and soked therwith. Which did so
apparently revive & quicken ye decayed Corne & other fruits, as was won-
derfull to see, and made ye Indeans astonished to behold; and afterwards the
Lord sent them shuch seasonable showers, with enterchange of faire warme
weather, as, through his blessing, caused a fruitfull & liberall harvest, to
their no small comforte and rejoycing. For which mercie (in time con-
veniente) they also sett aparte a day of thanksgiveing. This being overslipt
in its place, I thought meet here to inserte ye same.
[The above is written on the reverse of page 103 of the original, and
should properly be inserted here. This passage, "being overslipt in its
place," the author at first wrote it, or the most of it, under the preceding
year; but, discovering his error before completing it, drew his pen across it,
and wrote beneath, "This is to be here rased out, and is to be placed on
page 103, wher it is inserted."]
* On.
erment; which caused some diferance and disturbance
[101] amongst them, as will after appeare. I shall
hear againe take libertie to inserte a few things out
of shuch leters as came in this shipe, desiring rather
to manefest things in ther words and apprehentions,
then in my owne, as much as may be, without
Beloved freinds, I kindly salute you all, with trust of
your healths & wellfare, being right sorie yt no supplie hath
been made to you all this while; for defence wher of, I
must referr you to our generall leters. Naitheir indeed have
we now sent you many things, which we should & would,
for want of money. But persons, more then inough, (though
not all we should,) for people come flying in upon us, but
monys come creeping in to us. Some few of your old
freinds are come, as, &c. So they come droping to you,
and by degrees, I hope ere long you shall enjoye them all.
And because people press so hard upon us to goe, and often
shuch as are none of ye fitest, I pray you write ernestly to
ye Treasurer and directe what persons should be sente. It
greeveth me to see so weake a company sent you, and yet
had I not been hear they had been weaker. You must still
call upon the company hear to see yt honest men be sente
you, and threaten to send them back if any other come, &c.
Weare not any way so much in danger, as by corrupte an
noughty persons. Shuch, and shuch, came without my con-
sente; but ye importunitie of their freinds got promise of
our Treasurer in my absence. Neither is ther need we
should take any lewd men, for we may have honest men
enew, &c.
Your assured freind,
R. C.
The following was from ye genrall.
Loving freinds, we most hartily salute you in all love and
harty affection; being yet in hope yt the same God which
hath hithertoo preserved you in a marvelous maner, doth yet
continue your lives and health, to his owne praise and all
our comforts. Being right sory that you have not been sent
unto all this time, &c. We have in this ship sent shuch
women, as were willing and ready to goe to their husbands
and freinds, with their children, &c. We would not have
you discontente, because we have not sent you more of your
old freinds, and in spetiall, him* on whom you most depend.
Farr be it from us to neclecte you, or contemne him. But
as ye intente was at first, so ye evente at last shall shew it,
that we will deal fairly, and squarly answer your expec-
tations to the full. Ther are also come unto you, some
honest men to plant upon their particulers besids you. A
thing which if we should not give way unto, we should wrong
both them and you. Them, by puting them on things more
inconveniente, and you, for that being honest men, they will
be a strengthening to ye place, and good neighbours [102]
unto you. Tow things we would advise you of, which we
have likwise signified them hear. First, ye trade for skins
to be retained for the generall till ye devidente; 21y. yt their
setling by you, be with shuch distance of place as is neither
inconvenient for ye lying of your lands, nor hurtfull to your
speedy & easie assembling togeather.
We have sente you diverse fisher men, with salte, &c.
Diverse other provissions we have sente you, as will appear
in your bill of lading, and though we have not sent all we
would (because our cash is small), yet it is yt we could, &c.
And allthough it seemeth you have discovered many more
rivers and fertill grounds then yt wher you are, yet seeing by
*I. R.
Gods providence yt place fell to your lote, let it be accounted
as your portion; and rather fixe your eyes upou that which
may be done ther, then languish in hops after things els-wher.
If your place be not ye best, it is better, you shall be ye
less envied and encroached upon; and shuch as are earthly
minded, will not setle too near your border.* If ye land
afford you bread, and ye sea yeeld you fish, rest you a while
contented, God will one day afford you better fare. And all
men shall know you are neither fugetives nor discontents.
But can, if God so order it, take ye worst to your selves,
with content,! & leave ye best to your neighbours, with
Let it not be greeveous unto you yt you have been instru-
ments to breake ye ise for others who come after with less
dificulty, the honour shall be yours to ye worlds end, &c.
We bear you always in our brests, and our harty affection
is towards you all, as are ye harts of hundreds more which
never saw your faces, who doubtles pray for your saftie as
their owne, as we our selves both doe & ever shall, that ye
same God which hath so marvelously preserved you from
seas, foes, and famine, will still preserve you from all
future dangers, and make you honourable amongst men, and
glorious in blise at ye last day. And so ye Lord be with
you all & send us joyfull news from you, and inable us
with one shoulder so to accomplish & perfecte this worke,
as much glorie may come to Him yt confoundeth ye mighty
by the weak, and maketh small thinges great. To whose
greatnes, be all glolie for ever & ever.
This leter was subscribed with 13. of their names.
These passengers, when they saw their low & poore
condition a shore, were much danted and dismayed,
*This proved rather, a propheti. then advice.
!Contend in the manuscript.
and according to their diverse humores were diversly
affected; some wished them selves in England againe;
others fell a weeping, fancying their own miserie in
what yey saw now in others; other some pitying the
distress they saw their freinds had been long in, and
still were under; in a word, all were full of sadnes.
Only some of their old freinds rejoysed to see them,
and yt it was no worse with them, for they could not
expecte it should be better, and now hoped they should
injoye better days togeather. And truly it was [103]
no marvell they should be thus affected, for they were
in a very low condition, many were ragged in aparell,
& some litle beter then halfe naked; though some yt
were well stord before, were well enough in this re-
gard. But for food they were all alike, save some yt
had got a few pease of ye ship yt was last hear. The
best dish they could presente their freinds with was
a lobster, or a peece of fish, without bread or any
thing els but a cupp of fair spring water. And ye long
continuance of this diate, and their labours abroad,
had something abated ye freshnes of their former com-
plexion. But God gave them health and strength in
a good measure; and shewed them by experience ye
truth of yt word, Deut. 8. 3. Ye man liveth not by
bread only, but by every word ye proceedeth out of ye.
mouth of ye Lord doth a man live.
When I think qow sadly ye scripture speaks of the
famine in Jaakobs time, when he said to his sonns,
Goe buy us food, that we may live and not dye.
Gen. 42. 2. and 43.1, that the famine was great, or
heavie in the land; and yet they had such great herds,
and store of catle of sundrie kinds, which, besids flesh,
must needs produse other food, as milke, butter &
cheese, &c., and yet it was counted a sore aflliction;
theirs hear must needs be very great, therfore, who
not only wanted the staffe of bread, but all these
things, and had no Egipte to goe too. But God fedd
them out of ye sea for ye most parte, so wonderfull
is his providence over his in all ages; for his mercie
endureth for ever.
On ye other hand the old planters were affraid that
their corne, when it was ripe, should be imparted to ye
new-comers, whose provissions wch they brought with
them they feared would fall short before ye year wente
aboute (as indeed it did). They came to ye Govr and
besought him that as it was before agreed that they
should set corne for their perticuler, and accordingly
they had taken extraordinary pains ther aboute, that
they might freely injoye the same, and they would not
have a bitte of ye victails now come, but waite till
harvest for their owne, and let ye new-comers injoye
what they had brought; they would have none of it,
excepte they could purchase any of it of them by
bargaine or exchainge. Their requeste was granted
them, for it gave both sides good contente; for ye
new-comers wera as much afraid that ye hungrie
planters would have eat up ye provissions brought, and
they should have fallen into ye like condition.
This ship was in a shorte time laden with clapbord,
by ye help of many hands. Also they sente in her all
ye beaver and other furrs they had, & Mr. Winslow
was sent over with her, to informe of all things, and
procure such things as were thought needfull for their
presente condition. By this time harvest was come,
and in stead of famine, now God gave them plentie,
and ye face of things was changed, to ye rejoysing of
ye harts of many, for which they blessed God. And
ye effect of their particuler planting was well seene, for
all had, one way & other, pretty well to bring ye year
aboute, and some of ye abler sorte and more [104]
industrious had to spare, and sell to others, so as any
generall wante or famine hath not been amongst them
since to this day.
Those that come on their perticuler looked for greater
matters then they found or could attaine unto, aboute
building great houses, and such pleasant situations for
them, as them selves had fancied; as if they would be
great men & rich, all of a sudaine; but they proved
castls in ye aire. These were ye conditions agreed on
betweene ye colony and them.
First, that ye Govr, in ye name and with ye consente
of ye company, doth in all love and frendship receive
and imbrace them; and is to allote them competente
places for habitations within ye towne. And promiseth
to shew them all such other curtesies as shall be rea-
sonable for them to desire, or us to performe.
2. That they, on their parts, be subjecte to all such
laws & orders as are already made, or hear after shall
be, for ye publick good.
3. That they be freed and exempte from ye generall
imployments of the said company, (which their pres-
ente condition of comunitie requireth,) excepte com-
mune defence, & such other imployments as tend to
ye perpetuall good of ye collony.
4ly. Towards ye maintenance of Govrt, & publick
officers of ye said collony, every male above ye age of
16. years shall pay a bushell of Indean wheat, or
ye worth of it, into ye commone store.
5ly. That (according to ye agreemente ye marchants
made with ym before they came) they are to be wholy
debared from all trade with the Indeans for all sorts
of furrs, and such like commodities, till ye time of ye
comunallitie be ended.
About ye midle of September arrived Captaine
Robart Gorges in ye Bay of ye Massachusets, with
sundrie passengers and families, intending ther to
begine a plantation; and pitched upon ye place Mr.
Weston's people had forsaken. He had a comission
from ye Counsell of New-England, to be generall Gover
of ye cuntrie, and they appoynted for his counsell &
assistance, Captaine Francis West, ye aforesaid admirall,
Christopher Levite, Esquire, and ye Govr of Plimoth for
ye time beeing, &c. Allso, they gave him authoritie to
chuse such other as he should find fit. Allso, they gave
(by their comission) full power to him & his assistants,
or any 3. of them, wherof him selfe was allway to be
one, to doe and execute what to them should seeme
good, in all cases, Capitall, Criminall, and Civill, &c.,
with diverce other instructions. Of which, & his
comission, it pleased him to suffer ye Govr hear to
take a coppy.
He gave them notice of his arivall by letter, but
before they could visite him he went to ye eastward
with ye ship he came in; but a storme arising, (and
they wanting a good pilot to harbor them in those
parts,) they bore up for this harbor. He and his
men were hear kindly entertained; he stayed hear
14. days. In ye mean time came in Mr. Weston with
his small ship, which he had now recovered. [105*]
Captaine Gorges tooke hold of ye opportunitie, and
acquainted ye Govr hear, that one occasion of his
going to ye eastward was to meete with Mr. Weston,
and call him to accounte for some abuses he had to
lay to his charge. Wherupon he called him before
him, and some other of his assistants, with ye Govr of
this place; and charged him, first, with ye ille carriage
of his men at ye Massachusets; by which means the
peace of ye cuntrie was disturbed, and him selfe & the
people which he had brought over to plante in that
*In MS. also 145.
180 HISTORY OF [Book II.
bay were therby much prejudised. To this Mr. Weston
easily answered, that what was that way done, was in
his absence, and might have befalen any man; he left
them sufficently provided, and conceived they would
have been well governed; and for any errour comitted
he had sufficiently smarted. This particuler was passed
by. A 2d. was, for an abuse done to his father, Sr.
Ferdenando Gorges, and to ye State. The thing was
this; he used him & others of ye Counsell of New-
England, to procure him a licence for ye transporting
of many peeces of great ordnance for New-England,
pretending great fortification hear in ye countrie, & I
know not what shipping. The which when he had
obtained, he went and sould them beyond seas for his
private profite; for which (he said) ye State was much
offended, and his father suffered a shrowd check, and
he had order to apprehend him for it. Mr. Weston
excused it as well as he could, but could not deney
it; it being one maine thing (as was said) for which
he with-drew himself. But after many passages, by
ye mediation of ye Govr and some other freinds hear,
he was inclined to gentlnes (though he aprehended ye
abuse of his father deeply); which, when Mr. Weston
saw, he grew more presumptuous, and gave such pro-
vocking & cutting speches, as made him rise up in
great indignation & distemper, and vowed yt he would
either curb him, or send him home for England. At
which Mr. Weston was something danted, and came
privatly to ye Govr hear, to know whether they would
suffer Captaine Gorges to apprehend him. He was
tould they could not hinder him, but much blamed
him, yt after they had pacified things, he should thus
breake out, by his owne folly & rashnes, to bring
trouble upon him selfe & them too. He confest it
was his passion, and prayd ye Govr to entreat for him,
and pacifie him if he could. The which at last he
did, with much adoe; so he was called againe, and ye
Govr was contente to take his owne bond to be ready
to make further answer, when either he or ye lords
should send for him. And at last he tooke only his
word, and ther was a freidly parting on all hands.
But after he was gone, Mr. Weston in lue of thanks
to ye Govr and his freinds hear, gave them this quib
(behind their baks) for all their pains. That though
they were but yonge justices, yet they wear good
beggers. Thus they parted at this time, and shortly
after ye Govr tooke his leave and went to ye Mas-
sachusets by land, being very thankfull for his kind
entertainemente. The ship stayed hear, and fitted her
selfe to goe for Virginia, having some passengers ther
to deliver; and with her returned sundrie of those
from hence which came over on their perticuler, some
out of discontente and dislike of ye cuntrie; others by
reason of a fire that broke out, and burnt ye houses
they lived in, and all their provisions [106*] so as
*In MS. also 146.
they were necessitated therunto. This fire was occa-
sioned by some of ye sea-men that were roystering in
a house wher it first begane, makeing a great fire in
very could weather, which broke out of ye chimney
into ye thatch, and burnte downe 3. or 4. houses, and
consumed all ye goods & provissions in ym. The
house in which it begane was right against their store-
house, which they had much adoe to save, in which
were their comone store & all their provissions; ye
which if it had been lost, ye plantation had been over-
throwne. But through Gods mercie it was saved by
ye great dilligence of ye people, & care of ye Govr &
some aboute him. Some would have had ye goods
throwne out; but if they had, ther would much have
been stolne by the rude company yt belonged to these
2. ships, which were allmost all ashore. But a trusty
company was plased within, as well as those that with
wet-cloaths & other means kept of ye fire without,
that if necessitie required they might have them out
with all speed. For yey suspected some malicious
dealling, if not plaine treacherie, and whether it was
only suspition or no, God knows; but this is certaine,
that when ye tumulte was greatest, ther was a voyce
heard (but from whom it was not knowne) that bid
them looke well aboute them, for all were not freinds
yt were near them. And shortly after, when the
vemencie of ye fire was over, smoke was seen to arise
within a shed yt was joynd to ye end of ye store-
house, which was watled up with bowes, in ye withered
leaves wherof ye fire was kindled, which some, runing
to quench, found a longe firebrand of an ell longe,
lying under ye wale on ye inside, which could not
possibly come their by cassualtie, but must be laid
ther by some hand, in ye judgmente of all that saw
it. But God kept them from this deanger, what ever
was intended.
Shortly after Captaine, Gorges, ye generall Govr, was
come home to ye Massachusets, he sends a warrante
to arrest Mr. Weston & his ship, and sends a mr. to
bring her away thither, and one Captain Hanson (that
belonged to him) to conducte him along. The Govr
& others hear were very sory to see him take this
course, and tooke exception at ye warrante, as not
legall nor sufficiente; and withall write to him to dis-
swade him from this course, shewing him yt he would
but entangle and burthen him selfe in doing this; for
he could not doe Mr. Weston a better turne, (as things
stood with him); for he had a great many men that
belonged to him in this barke, and was deeply ingaged
to them for wages, and was in a maner out of victails
(and now winter); all which would light upon him, if
he did arrest his barke. In ye mean time Mr. Weston
had notice to shift for him selfe; but it was conceived
he either knew not whither to goe, or how to mend
him selfe, but was rather glad of ye occasion, and so
stirred not. But ye Govr would not be perswaded, but
[107] sent a very forman warrente under his hand &
seall, with strict charge as they would answere. it to
ye state; he also write that he had better considered
of things since he was hear, and he could not answer
it to let him goe so; besids other things that were
come to his knowledg since, which he must answer too.
So he was suffered to proceede, but he found in the
end that to be true that was tould him; for when an
inventorie was taken of what was in ye ship, ther was
not vitailes found for above 14. days, at a pare allow-
ance, and not much else of any great worth, & the
men did so crie out of him for wages and diate, in ye
mean time, as made him soone weary. So as in con-
clusion it turned to his loss, and ye expence of his
owne provissions; and towards the spring they came to
agreement, (after they had bene to ye eastward,) and
ye Govr restord him his vessell againe, and made him
satisfaction, in bisket, meal, and such like provissions,
for what he had made use of that was his, or what
his men had any way wasted or consumed. So Mr.
Weston came hither againe, and afterward shaped his
course for Virginie, & so for present I shall leave
The Govr and some yt depended upon him returned
for England, haveing scarcly saluted ye cuntrie in his
Govermente, not finding the state of things hear to
* He dyed afterwards at Bristoll, in ye time of the warrs, of ye sicknes
in yt place.
answer his quallitie & condition. The peopl dispersed
them selves, some went for England, others for Vir-
ginia, some few remained, and were helped with sup-
plies from hence. The Govr brought over a minister
with him, one Mr. Morell, who, about a year after ye
Govr returned, tooke shipping from hence. He had I
know not what power and authority of superintendancie
over other churches granted him, and sundrie instruc-
tions for that end; but he never shewed it, or made any
use of it; (it should seeme he saw it was in vaine;)
he only speake of it to some hear at his going away.
This was in effect ye end of a 2. plantation in that
place. Ther were allso this year some scatering be-
ginings made in other places, as at Paskataway,
by Mr. David Thomson, at Monhigen, and some other
places by sundrie others.
It rests now yt I speake a word about ye pinass
spoken of before, which was sent by ye adventurers to
be imployed in ye cuntrie. She was a fine vessell, and
bravely set out,* and I fear ye adventurers did over
pride them selves in her, for she had ill success. How
ever, they erred grosly in tow things aboute her; first,
though she had a sufficiente maister, yet she was rudly
maned, and all her men were upon shars, and none was
to have any wages but ye mr. 2ly, wheras they mainly
lookt at trade, they had sent nothing of any value to
trade with. When the men came hear, and mette with
* With her flages, & streamers, pendents, & wastcloaths, &c.
ill counsell from Mr. Weston & his crue, with others
of ye same stampe, neither mr. nor Govr could scarce
rule [108] them, for they exclaimed that they were
abused & deceived, for they were tould they should
goe for a man of warr, and take I know not whom,
French & Spaniards, &c. They would neither trade
nor fish, excepte they had wages; in fine, they would
obey no comand of ye maisters; so it was appre-
hended they would either rune away with ye vessell,
or get away wth ye ships, and leave her; so as Mr. Peirce
& others of their freinds perswaded the Govr to chaing
their condition, and give them wages; which was ac-
cordingly done. And she was sente about ye Cape to
ye Narigansets to trade, but they made but a poore
vioage of it. Some corne and beaver they got, but ye
Dutch used to furnish them with cloath & better comod-
ities, they haveing only a few beads & knives, which
were not ther much esteemed. Allso, in her returne
home, at ye very entrance into ther owne harbore, she
had like to have been cast away in a storme, and was f
orced to cut her maine mast by ye bord, to save her-
selfe from driving on ye flats that lye without, caled
Browns Ilands, the force of ye wind being so great as
made her anchors give way and she drive right upon
them; but her mast & takling being gone, they held
her till ye wind shifted.
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