His Early Life
Born in Königsberg,
Kant was brought up in that town in a financially humble and devoutly pietistic
family (and he continued to possess throughout his life a pietistic nature).
He attended a pietistic grade school (Collegium Friedericianum) in Königsberg
and in 1740 he entered the University of Königsberg. At the
University he was introduced to the rationalist philosophy of Leibniz
and Christian Wolff and the physics of Newton.
Here he wrote his first work in 1746, Thoughts on the True Estimation
of Living Forces--a scientific paper that reflected strongly the intellectual
legacy of Leibniz.
After graduation he became
a private tutor--until 1755 when he returned to the University of Königsberg
as a private lecturer. This was a position he would hold for the
next fifteen years. During this period his teaching repertoire at
the university was vast and varied--though primarily focused on science
it included also mathematics and philosophy (especially metaphysics).
In keeping with the German intellectual temperament of his times, his work
during this period was strongly shaped by Leibniz' writings. But
Kant also had a deep respect for the works of Newton, whose writings were
just being introduced to the university at Königsberg.
The Early Lead-Up to His Critical
This was a very formative time
for Kant, who struggled to accommodate the rationalism of Leibniz with
the empiricism of Newton. This was a very active time for him in
terms of writing. But it was also a time in which he found himself
having an increasingly difficult time of it staying with Leibniz' thoughts.
He certainly agreed with the importance of a system of logic that could
demonstrate a mathematical precision about it (as per Leibniz). But
he was beginning to wonder how this could be connected with the empirical
world "out there."
Thus in 1764 he published
into the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morals,
in which he stated his concern about how one could connect the pure world
of mathematics, which rested within the human mind, with the "practical"
world of physical life, especially human life as it faced the complexities
of actual existence. He saw a danger in rationalist thought becoming
secluded within the confines of its "pure" intellectual world--unable to
offer "practical" wisdom for life.
Also he was having second
thoughts about the logical method that Leibniz and Wolff (in particular
the latter) had built much of their logical "demonstrations" on:
the principal of contradiction. Kant was beginning to view this with
the skepticism of a classic anti-scholastic (such as Ockham)--for it seemed
fallacious to Kant to build a logical system of "truths" on the assertion
that the opposite of a proposition proven to be false must automatically
be true.
It seemed to him also equally
weak to build a proof for the existence of God on the logic of the popular
ontological argument--which the rationalists employed regularly.
In his The Only Possible Ground of Proof for a Demonstration of God's
Existence (1763) he questioned very strongly how simply the fact that
we can hold in our minds the idea of God (as the greatest of all conceivable
ideas) therefore proves the existence of God--the essence of the ontological
argument once put forth by Anselm (in the late 1000s).
Gradually Kant's critical
facilities were being fine-tuned in a way that stood him apart from the
intellectual currents of his time. Finally (to use his own words),
it was Hume who "awoke him from his intellectual
slumber"--forcing him to admit to the lack of a proper demonstration within
contemporary philosophical circles of the connection between the world
"out there" and the world within the human mind. He became determined
himself to try to build such a demonstration.
His Critical Philosophy Comes
of Age
At about this time (1770) he
was admitted as a full member of the university faculty, teaching logic
and metaphysics--a vocation he would stay with until just a few years before
his death in 1804.
During the first ten years
of this period (1770-1780) he was focused on developing his critical system
of thought. No serious publication occurred during this time.
But during the next ten years (1780-1790) he was ready to publish.
In 1781 his Critique of Pure Reason was published; in 1785 he published
of Morals; three years later (1788) he came out with his Critique
of Practical Reason.
But it was not just in the
realm of philosophy, metaphysics, theology ethics that he poured forth
an enormous productivity. He was also interested in science and the
philosophy of science. He was was also interested in history and
the philosophy of history. He was interested in anthropology.
He was interested in geography.
His Opus Postumum
His last years were focused
on an effort to write a great integrative work, one which he hoped would
establish a definitive metaphysics for an emerging modern world-view.
Though what we have of that work is voluminous--it is merely fragmentary
and quite undisciplined as a philosophy. Clearly he intended a major
work to emerge from his notes. But time overtook him. He died
in 1804 at 80 years of age.